chapter seven

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The next morning you all got on the jet to fly back to Virginia. When you got there Hotch gave you the week off. It was an order not a question, and Spencer insisted you stay at his apartment all week. It's three days into that week and the team had to go on a case, so Spencer is on his way back since he wanted to stay with you so he's going to be working from home.

"Hey I'm back!" Spencer yelled as you heard him walking through the door.

"Hey Spence!" You smile and wave from the couch taking your head out of a book of poetry you were reading.

"What do you have there?" He walks over and takes it out of your hand without giving you a second to respond.

"Do you mind bozo?" You laugh at him.

"Eh not really." He looks up and laughs back. You role your eyes with a smile.

Spencer looks at the poem you were reading before looking up with a soft smile.

"Still your favorite, huh?" He says looking into your eyes.

"Always has been. I read it a lot. All I want in life is to be someone's Annabel Lee. Besides the whole dying thing." You smile and laugh.

Spencer opens his mouth like he wants to say something but stops himself.

"What's on your mind Spence?" You say trying to get him to spit it out.

"Oh, it's nothing really." He looks to the floor, clearly deep in thought but you don't wanna pry.

"Hmm okay, but if you wanna talk about it I'm right here." You smile and ruffle his hair.

He forces a small laugh.

"Hey do you wanna go somewhere tonight? You haven't been anywhere since, well you know. I think it'd be nice." He meets your gaze as he speaks.

"I don't see why not. Have anywhere in mind?"You smile.

"I have one place." He smiles. You can see the adventure in his eyes.

"Oh no, where is it?" You laugh.

"It's a surprise." His smiler grows bigger.

"Well, what kind of attire does this so called surprise require Dr. Reid." You smile and laugh, speaking in a mocking tone.

"Wear something easy and comfortable." He smiles, running to his bathroom to change.

You laugh at his enthusiasm. He's adorable.

Once Spencer's done you grab some clothes and head into the bathroom. You throw on some black sweatpants, a red cropped tank top, and a simple white cardigan. It's fall so it's slightly chilly outside.

You walk out and up to Spencer who is in a sweatshirt with a Washington DC shirt over it.

"Ready to go?" He says a smile never leaving his face, reaching his hand out to take yours.

"As always." You smile back and grab his hand, wondering where he's taking you.

As you drive you realize it's already 9 and it's completely dark out.

Where in the world is Spencer taking me?

You think to yourself.

About ten minutes later Spencer pulls into a parking space and runs around the car to open your door.

"Spencer what in the world?" You laugh looking out at a closed off private beach with no one else on it.

"You got this excited to take me to a beach, in the middle of fall, at 9 pm?" You laugh at him.

sweet honey (spencer reid x reader)Where stories live. Discover now