chapter nineteen

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You wake up and look towards the clock. It flashes 6:53. It's christmas morning. You are so excited to be spending christmas with Spencer that you know you won't be able to go back to sleep, but you don't want to wake up Spencer just yet.

You climb out of bed walking towards the kitchen. You turn on the kuerig making coffee for you and Spencer. You pour a caramel creamer into both your coffees, adding sugar to Spencer's. Then to top them off you add whipped cream and cinnamon to the top. You smile taking a sip of your coffee.

You look over to the medium sized christmas tree that you and Spencer decorated for the apartment seeing a few presents underneath. You got Spencer gifts and you smile to yourself that he got some for you.

You check the time seeing it's 7:13 and decide you can't wait any longer to wake up Spencer. You grab the coffees and walk into the room. You gently place both the cups on the bedside table and kneel on the bed by Spencer. You bend over scattering kisses all over his cheek. A sweet smile begins to spread on Spencer's face.

"Merry christmas pretty boy." You say in a sweet voice smiling down at Spencer.

"Merry christmas pretty girl." He says in a sweet morning voice. Opening his eyes and giving you a huge cheesy grin.

You grab his coffee from the bedside table holding it out to him. He smiles at you and sits up taking the coffee from you. Before taking a sip he leans in to give you a sweet kiss. You both smile against each other's lips.

Spencer sits against the bed frame with his legs stretching in front of him. You grab your coffee and climb into his lap straddling him. You both sip your coffees staring at each other. He places his coffee beside him and takes yours putting it on the table too.

He places his hands on your hips and begins to kiss you very slowly but very hungry. You push yourself closer to him so you're right up against him. Spencer slips his tongue into your mouth. Still keeping the kiss slow. You begin to grind against his dick feeling him harden against you.

"Stop baby." Spencer says out of breathe smiling at you.

"Stop what." You say innocently, also out of breathe.

"It feels very fucking good princess.. and as much as I love how you make me feel, not right now." Spencer says smiling at you, giving you a quick kiss.

"Mmm okayyy baby. But you owe me." You say with an evil look in your eyes.

Spencer giggles picking you up and carrying you out to the living room. He sets you down on the couch and stands in front of you.

"Present time?" Spencer asks smiling down at you.

"Mhmm." You giggle looking at Spencer.

He walks over to the tree, grabbing the presents you got him and handing you the presents he got for you.

"You first baby." You smile at Spencer. You always love seeing people's reactions to your gifts.

"Okay. Which one first?" He smiles at you.

"Open the smaller one first." You say pointing to the medium sized present.

He carefully unwraps the present. Revealing a book. He turns it to look at the cover. You see his expression soften and his mouth slightly part.

"The narrative of John Smith.." Spencer reads out loud in a soft expression.

"Do you like it?" You say softly, unsure of Spencer's emotions towards the gift.

"This is amazing y/n. How much did you spend on this?" He looks up at you a little concerned.

You were able to find a decent copy of the book for about $250.

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