chapter twenty-seven

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You sit in one of the many large bathrooms at Rossi's mansion. You are surrounded by all the girls who are helping you get ready. This is it. This is the day you marry the love of your life. Spencer Walter Reid.

"Are you nervous?" You look up in the mirror to see Monica, your maid of honor, behind you.

"A little, but it's more of a I hope I don't trip walking down the isle nervous rather then a I don't know if I want to marry the man of my dreams nervous." You say with a small smile, earning a soft laugh from Monica.

"You and Spencer have always been meant to be. I remember when we would take those trips to California, and you and Spencer would dance on the beach. Nathan and I would always talk about how in love you two were." Monica says with a warm smile.

"Really?" You say smiling to yourself.

"Yeah. We always held out hope that the two of you would find each other again. We knew there was no one better for you, and no one better for him. We believed you two were soul mates, and low and behold we were right."

"Thank you Monica." You say as she squeezes your shoulder.

"Of course." She smiles, then turns around to continue getting ready.

You take in a deep breathe and stare at yourself in the mirror. You're hair is in a loose braided bun with a few strands of hair out on each side in the front, and your makeup is no different then any other day. You've never loved makeup because you feel like you're betraying yourself, so you just have on some blush and mascara.

Today is the day. The day you've waited for since you were just a kid. You always visioned your wedding day with Spencer. Even when you were older and had lost touch with Spencer. You would always find yourself daydreaming. You never stopped thinking about him. Not once.

"Y/n?" The soft voice of Diana snaps you out of your thoughts.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't notice you there." You say, quickly realizing she'd been trying to get your attention for a few seconds.

"No worries, I could tell you were deep in thought. Hope you're not getting cold feet." Diana half jokes.

"Oh no I'm not. I'm just thinking about everything that Spencer and I have been through. It's just a lot of good and a lot of bad. I just feel so lucky, and can't believe we've made it this far." You smile to yourself.

"I'm so happy that he found you. He would talk about you all the time. As a child and as an adult. Anyways, I have something for you." Diana says reaching into a box she's holding.

She pulls out a beautiful diamond bracelet.

"Mama D, that's gorgeous. You didn't have to do that." You say feeling tears fill your eyes.

"This bracelet has been passed down for years. All of the family generations before me had daughters they passed it down to so they could all wear it at their weddings. Although I only gave birth to a son, I'm definitely standing in front of my daughter I can give this too." She smiles as she finishes putting the perfectly fitting bracelet around your wrist.

"I love you mom." You say quickly holding Diana close to you.

"I love you too sweetheart." You feel Diana smile into you.

"Are you ready?" Prentiss says walking over to you.

You take a deep breathe in, letting it out as you respond.

"Ready as I'll ever be." You smile to Emily.

She then rushes out to take her place next to the other brides maids.

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