chapter three

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You wake up and don't even remember falling asleep. You must have dozed off during the movie. You're too tired to even realize how you're laying at first. Your eyes widen as you begin to process that you and Spencer are tangled together. Your laying on top of him with your arms right on his chest, and he has his arms wrapped around you. We literally couldn't possibly be any closer to each other. You and Spencer had cuddled before but nothing like this. You know none of it was intentional since you both accidentally fell asleep last night and weren't like this at the time, but you can't help but wonder what Spencer would say if he woke up to you guys like this. Then it hit you. OH GOD- what WOULD Spencer say?? You feel your breathing get faster and begin to panic realizing there's no way you can move off of him without waking him. He must have heard you starting to panic because he woke up.

"Hey hey y/n whats wrong? Are you okay?" He just holds you tighter. He speaks kind of quiet and raspy, like he had just woken up. Well because he DID just wake up. He sounds extra confused considering he woke up to you in a panic.

After her speaks you begin to push away and off of him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get so close to you oh god I am so sorry Spence I-." You stopped talking after you see Spencer burst out laughing. Why would he be laughing at your apology? You look at him kind of puzzled.

"Y/n calm down! You act like we're strangers. You're perfectly fine. I don't mind you clinging onto me one bit." His laughing starts to calm down and he smiles at you. You can't help but wonder what he means.. or are you just reading too much into the situation?

You see him check the time. It's 9:30.

"So today is a short day, so we don't have to go into work till noon. What do you say we go grab some breakfast?" He gives you a little smile, sitting up from the couch. You're still standing in front of him as you were too nervous to get too close to him again.

"Yeah that sounds good. Mind if I use your shower?"

"Don't mind at all. The bathroom is right in my bedroom. I'm just gonna get dressed and ready since I normally shower in the evenings."

With that you walk to his bedroom. You enter the bathroom and begin to undress. You leave the bathroom door slightly cracked not wanting to fog up the whole bathroom. You step into the shower and let the warm water hit your body.

As you're washing the shampoo out of your hair you here footsteps coming from the bedroom. You assume Spencer is just looking for some clothes to wear. Even though you're on the other side of the shower curtain you start to get nervous knowing Spencer is right on the other side. You here him call out.

"Hey y/n! Do you mind if I come into the the bathroom to brush my teeth?"

You feel your face get burning hot.

"uh y-yeah come in the curtains closed." You stutter, obviously very nervous.

You here the door open and shut, then start to feel a wetness between your legs not being caused by the shower. FUCK.

You hear him run the water and begin brushing his teeth, but your mind can't focus on that. You're in the shower naked, and Spencer is not even a foot away on the other side of the curtain. It's enough to make you almost moan, but you catch yourself and it turns into a slight whimper. You hold your breathe realizing you did that out loud.

"Hey y/n are you okay in there?" He sounds genuinely concerned. Did he really not notice?

"Oh uh, yeah, just um, dropped the bottle on my foot." You scrunch your face hoping he will buy it.

"Oh okay. I'm gonna go get dressed. Don't be too long in there." He lets out a little laugh and walks back into his bedroom, clearly ignoring the fact there was no sound from a bottle supposedly dropping, but you're glad he doesn't notice.

After you're done with your shower you start to dry your self off before quickly realizing you left your go bag in his living room. shit.

You put your towel on and hold your breathe walking out there. You see Spence in his living room chair.

"Hey uh.. I'm sorry i kinda left my bag out here."

He looks up at you. He looks you up and down and starts to blush so bad he looks like he just sat in the sun for 10 hours.

"Oh uh yeah um- let me grab that for you." He runs to grab your bag from the couch and carries it over to you. He's clearly trying hard not to stare at you.

"Thank you Spence." With that you walk into the room and get yourself dressed. Why was he so nervous over that? It's not like you didn't have a towel on or anything.. but like all the other "signs" you just ignored it. You tend to just believe your mind is playing tricks on you. Someone like Spencer could never love a girl like you, at least not in that way. He was too pure and perfect.

You walk out and let him know you're ready to go. It's now 10:30. You guys take Spencer's car and head to a little diner that Spence enjoys. It takes only 20 minutes to get there but it's in the opposite direction of work, which will take is 30 minutes to get to. Which means we aren't left with the most time in the world.

You both make the most of your breakfast and have normal chats with one another. Enjoying the presence of the other. Every so often Spencer would tell you a bunch of facts about a topic or thing that you mentioned, then he would quickly catch himself and apologize. Just like when you two were kids, you reminded him that you adored hearing him rant about things he was passionate about. After telling him that he blushes with a big grin and continues on with what he was saying. All you can do is focus on the beautiful sound of his voice, and being lucky enough to be in his presence once again.

After breakfast you two head to work together. It was an easy day. Just a bunch of paper work for 6 hours. After work Spencer asks if you'd like to come back to his house again because he feels like you both have a lot of lost time to make up for, and besides your car was still there. No matter what the reasoning was you couldn't ever say no to spending time with him. You smiled and said yes.

With that you both headed out to his car and started your way back to his apartment.

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