chapter eleven

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As the door bell rings your heart begins to race as you think about what happened the last time you saw William. Surely he hasn't forgotten? I mean your brothers did say Coach David had to do some heavy combing to get William to come see them again. You hear your brothers open the door and the greetings begin.

"Hey guys! How you been!" Nathan yells opening the door. You're listening from the bedroom. You can tell he's nervous but you don't think they can.

"Things are good! You guys?" David responds.

You feel your breathing getting heavier.

"Oh god Spencer I can't do this. I cant see him." You feel your panic rise.

"Hey baby come here." He opens his arms and you walk into them. He's so comfortable to you since you're so much shorter then him. He holds one arm all the way around your waist and puts the other hand stroking your hair.

"Shhh it's okay sweetheart. I'm right here. Take deep breathes. Shhh." You feel your breathing start to slow down. Spencer's voice and touch is comforting. It's something familiar that immediately calms you down.

Spencer waits till you calm down till he speaks.

"Ready to go down stairs princess?" He pulls his head away to look at you. His hands still on your waist.

"I'm ready baby." You give him a soft smile. He leans down and kisses you gently. He continues the kiss for a little bit. It's very loving, you feel butterflies in your stomach.

After a minute Spencer pulls away.

"Let's go my love." He smiles, putting his hand out to take yours. You gladly accept and lace your fingers with his.

As you guys walk down the stairs they must of heard your steps.

"Oh is there other people here?" David asks.

"Oh yeah! Y/n is visiting this week from Virginia. She has a big FBI job now." Ben laughs.

"That's great. I know that's what she always wanted to do." William speaks, you can hear the hint of pain he's trying to cover up. He obviously remembers the things he said to you.

"I bet she's great at it. She was always the sweetest girl. Always looking out for everyone no matter what." You can hear the smile in David's voice. You never knew him really well but he would come over to the house every once in a while and you two would speak.

You and Spencer reach the bottom of the stairs and you can see he starts to get nervous. You squeeze his hand to remind him you're right here, and he lightly rubs his thumb against yours as a sort of "thank you."

You both make it to the kitchen and all heads turn to look at you guys. Williams face goes white. He looks terrified.

"Well if it isn't Spencer Reid! Wow what's it been, 15 years kid?" David says with a big grin. He was always really good to Spencer. Continued to see him from time to time even after his dad left him.

"More like 15 years, 6 month, 2 days, 13 minutes, and 37 seconds.. but who's counting really?" Spencer gives a nervous laugh and a half smile.

"Classic Spencer. Well how ever long it's been, it's good to see you again." David smiles.

"Thank you sir." Spencer smiles back.

"Hey Spencer.." William says at almost a whisper. You can tell he's unsure of what to even say.

"William." Spencer says with a straight face and just nods his head. You can see the pain in Williams face when he calls him by his first name.

With that you and Spencer take a seat at the table.

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