chapter nine

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Barely ten minutes later you and spencer are pull into the parking lot to Garcia's apartment building. Spencer walks around the car to open up the door for you.

As you get out of the car you feel your legs wobble and almost collapse. Spencer quickly grabs the underneath of your arms to keep you from falling and let's out a loud laugh.

"Mmm it's good to see what I've done to you." He says to you with a little bit of a laugh.

"Shut up Reid." You roll your eyes and hold back a laugh.

He takes your hand and helps you to walk to the elevator.

"Hey now I don't remember it being me saying, Oh Spencer I neeeddd you, and, Ohhh fuck I'm all yours Spencer Reid." He starts to laugh, mocking your moans.

You let go of his hand and cross your arms, your face burning red from embarrassment. Spencer looks down at you and notices your face. He turns you towards him and cups your cheeks.

"Hey baby, don't be embarrassed. It makes me feel veryyy good hearing how much pleasure I give my princess." His praise makes you smile and he kisses your forehead, lacing both your fingers back together.

Spencer knocks on the door and not even a second later Garcia opens it.

"What took you guys so long!!" She yells pulling you two into a big hug.

"Hi Garcia." You giggle to her.

You and Spencer walk into her apartment. You limp a little bit, your legs still feel like jello.

"Well by the way little lady is limping over there, I may have a clue to what they were up to." Morgan laughs, and Garcia's eyes go wide.

"OH MY GOD!! Are you guys like a thing??" She screams with excitement, like a highschool girl.

You're not sure wether or not Spencer wanted to tell anyone so you just laugh awkwardly and look over to Spencer.

To your surprise Spencer walked over to you and put his arm around your shoulder.

"Yes we are." He says leaning over to kiss the top of your head.

It makes you feel really good that Spencer's telling people. You were nervous he wouldn't want to. You lean into the side of him and smile warmly.

"Awww I'm so happy for you guys!!" She smiles and runs over to hug you.

Morgans face looks shocked.

"MY MAN!!" He runs over and hits Spencer on the back.

"I can't believe you pulled such a beautiful girl." He laughs at Spencer.

"Wait oh my gosh so does that mean.. that's really why you guys were late??" Her eyes get wide. She looks so excited about the gossip.

"A gentleman never tells." Spencer laughs and your face burns a deep red.

With that you all walk over and begin drinking.

Eventually an hour goes by and you're four shots and two glasses of wine deep, and so is Garcia. You're both completely wasted.

Spencer only took one shot and is on his second beer along with Morgan. They're barely tipsy.

Garcia gasps before speaking up.

"Let's play t-truttthhh or dareee!!" Garcia says between hicups and shes slurring her words.

"Oh my god yesss!!" You get up and stumble towards the floor to sit next to Spencer. Morgan and Spencer start laughing at the two of you.

"Two almost sober men play truth or dare with two wasted girls, this will be fun to watch." Morgan laughs and rolls his eyes and Spencer mimics this action.

"YAY!! Okay y/n.. what's the hottesttt thing about Sp- Spencer." She leans forward excited for your answer.

You start to blush a little bit and look up to Spencer leaning closer to him like a little kid hiding behind her mommy.

"It's okay baby, you can say whatever it is." He laughs to you.

You grab his hand and start to play with his fingers.

"He has reallyyyyy nice handsss *hic* ." You bite your lip and Spencer and Dereks eyes begin to widen a bit.

"Areee you into handss??" Garcia exclaims very surprised.

"Not alwaysss but Spencer's hands *hic* are just so big and veinyyy." You continue playing with his hands and Derek erupts into laughter.

"Okay princess, that's enough hands for you." Spencer laughs and takes his hand from yours and wraps his arm around you. You feel your face burn realizing you just made a fool of yourself in front of everyone. Garcia notices your reaction.

"Okayyy let's make y/n feel a little *hic* better. Spencer what's the hottest thing about y/nnn." She laughs.

"Hmm well, I definitely would say her thighs, but how needy she is hot too." He pulls you into his lap and holds you tight. Your cheeks burn a deep red again.

"Get a room you two." Derek laughs.

"Come on they're sooo cute!!" Penelope exclaims before her eyes get wide and she covers her mouth before running to the trash can.

Garcia starts throwing up and Morgan runs to hold her hair back.

"Okay baby girl I think it's time for us to head back to my place. We'll talk to you guys tomorrow!" Morgan yells closing the door behind him.

You don't move for a bit staying cuddled in Spencer's lap.

"I think it's time for you to get some rest honey."  He strokes your back.

You turn straddling him and his eyes get wide. You start to kiss him and he kisses back for a second before pulling away.

"Baby you're very drunk, not tonight." He whispers kissing your forehead.

"Ughhh Spencer but I'm soooo horny." You whine.

"I'm sorry hon-." Spencer gasps as you palm his crotch.

You lean forward to whisper in his ear.

"But I need you Spence." You whisper seductively. You feel Spencer quickly harden against your palm. You see him contemplating what to do for a second before he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder.

He gently places you down in the bed and kisses your forehead.

"I love you so much princess, and I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow when you're in the right mind to make a decision." He smiled at you warmly. You know he feels bad.

"I love you too Spencie." You smile back, knowing he's just looking out for you.

He gets into the bed next to you and cuddles right up against you. He makes you feel safe. He makes you feel at home. You slowly drift off to sleep to the feeling of his warm touch.

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