Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

A repeated beeping noise caused me to stir, I opened my eyes to see the morning sun shining in from the huge hospital window that was closed halfway by the blinds. I wondered for a second where I was but feeling his warm chest underneath my cheek, it subsided.

I smiled at the thought of sleeping beside him all night again then our conversation from last night hit me....

"I want you to pack a bag and stay with me, you can be my nurse."

I moved my hand slowly across his chest just..... appreciating that I was here with him, taking him in. I didn't want to move or wake him so I stayed put with my leg tangled around his under the thin blanket even though it was starting to lose circulation and grow numb.

I closed my eyes relishing in his warmth, his smell, and his embrace. Every time I took a breath in, the scent of his musky calogne filled my nostrils mixed with his own personal smell.

Oh my goodness this is heaven. I don't ever want to move.

I closed my eyes and was starting to drift back to sleep when I heard a light knock on the door followed by it opening.

"Mr. Ramirez?" Dr Ramerro asked while peeking his head around the door.

I sat up from the hospital bed, "Bates is still sleeping, should I wake him?"

"Yes please, I'm going to go over his test results with him, it should only take a moment." He said while walking in the room with a clipboard in his hand.

I looked over at Bates to wake him but he was already blinking to adjust his eyes to the morning light. "Morning, Doc." He shook Dr. Ramerro's hand in a manly gesture.

"Let's hear it." Bates said flatly.

"Mr. Ramirez, I've went over your test results and everything came back negative. No bleeding or swelling on the brain, which we were worried about. Also, there's no internal bleeding so your organs are fine but you do have a small hematoma on your left lung where your broken rib pierced it so I'm going to give you a prescription of antibiotics and something for the pain after I draw up your discharge papers. I want you to follow up with an orthopedic Monday morning to get your collarbone and ribs looked at. Do you have any questions?" He said while flipping through the papers and concentrating on them then looked at us waiting for an answer.

This doctor gets straight to the point, no joke. I'm relieved to know that Bates doesn't have further or worse injuries than we expected.

"No, I think that's it, just ready to get out of here and into my bed." Bates answered, I couldn't agree with him more.

"Okay, just to warn you, it may be painful to cough and keep your movement at a minimum. Do you have someone that can help at home?" Dr Ramerro looked straight at me.

"Yes, Quinn will be with me." Bates replied as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close making me blush. He's gives me butterflies even when he's laid up in the hospital.

"Very well. If your pain gets worse before Monday, come back and see me." He tore Bates' prescriptions from the pad and handed it to him.

"The nurse will be in with your discharge papers in just a moment." Dr Ramerro said. Bates held his hand out once again, "thanks for everything, Doc." They shook hands again. "My pleasure." Dr. Ramerro answered and walked out.

Bates is so sweet and respectful. I looked at him smiling with a look, with a squint in my eye. "What?" Bates was looking at me puzzled and I just wanted to kiss him and.... couldn't help but did I get this lucky?

"You're just coated in sugar aren't you?" I teased.

"That's what they say..." He pulled me so close our noses bumped. "such a bad ass" I kissed his nose as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I bet you don't even need the extra hand at home, you're just using that as an excuse for me to take care of you.." I was laughing now knowing that he was eating this up because I was too.

"I want you around twenty four-seven, if I'm hurt or not. I don't want to miss a single day of seeing your beautiful face. Having you beside me is healing, your practically my own medicine." Okay, that was cheesy but so sweet. I couldn't just let that one go without a kiss.

"You're slick, you know that?" I said leaning in toward his lips. We kissed passionately, I barely slipped my tongue into his mouth hoping to deepen our kiss as his hand slid up to the nape of my neck holding me in place.

The nurse interrupted us by asking for his signature causing me to flush with embarrassment.

He signed then looked at me and said, "let's go home."

A/N: Now we all know Bates will be okay! I hope y'all liked it.... ♡

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