Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Dedicated to Savannah131303

Bates and I are in danger. She was planning to kill him, she tried killing him. This ran through my head repeatedly as I tried going to sleep last night. I need to tell Bates but at the right time. I can't stress him out over this while he's still in pain.

After I let a few tears fall in the bathroom for twenty minutes I needed to get out of here before Bates became suspicious, now is just not the time to bring it up. I wiped my tear streaked cheeks and waited a moment before leaving the bathroom so the swelling around my eyes could go down a bit.

I went into Bates' bedroom and lied back on his bed. I'm not in the mood for a movie anymore but I can smell him cooking something in the kitchen of course.

"Hey babe, I may take a rain check on the movie.... just kinda tired." I yelled to him.

"That's fine, I'll make you a plate and put it in the oven for you. I'll be in there in a few, sweetie." He answered.

I switched off the lamp beside the bed and climbed underneath the blankets unable to shake this terrifying feeling that has come over me.

What have I gotten myself into?

I could hear rain droplets beginning to fall outside of the window as I closed my eyes to get this night over with. Rain has always given me comfort when I'm at my worst. I drifted to the sound as another tear slipped free.


I was dreaming of being out in the middle of ocean, no boat, no life raft, no support.... just me and the ocean. Something was trying to pull me down underneath the water but I fought with everything I had in me to stay afloat.

I was swimming, I'm not sure what I was swimming to but stride after stride was getting me nowhere and exhausted.

Everytime I would swim approximately six feet, something would grab a hold to my ankle and yank me back down. I struggled to breathe, my lungs burning from craving a whisp of air as my chest was  aching. I exhaled sending air bubbles above me, my eyes burning from the salt but I kept them peeled open as I reached for the surface at my fingertips.

It was almost like someone or something was holding me under just enough, enough to still see the sun blazing on the surface of the water but enough to steal my very last breath.

I kicked as hard as I could and broke free once again while pushing myself those torturing two feet until my face met the air and I sucked in large gulps followed by coughing up water from my lungs.


I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't. I could feel myself still in Bates' bed, underneath his blankets, my head in his feathered pillows. But I couldn't peel them open and my breath was taken.

Surely I'm still not dreaming.....

I reach my hands up to my face and feel something covering it, I immediately try to pry it off but forced pressure won't allow me to. I attempt to turn on my side but still couldn't move and I can feel my air supply getting low. The back of my head is being violently pushed into the mattress, swinging my arms up again I feel that its a pillow on my face.

Someone is trying to smother me!

If I scream I'll just lose more air so I have to be quick on thinking this through. I try not to panic as I notice pressure of weight on my stomach. I become calm letting my attacker think they've succeeded as I hold my breath and my body falling limp.

The pressure continues on my face but only for a moment, the pillow slowly eases off of my face as I hear, "bitch." being mumbled in a female's voice as they rest their weight on my abdomen.

Only one name comes to mind.... Madison. She's come here to kill me.

I lied completely still hoping my racing heart wouldn't give me away, as hard as it was beating I'm sure my intruder could hear it. The pillow rested lightly on my face so I slowly inhaled a much needed, large gulp of air through my nose praying I wouldn't cough as it reached my lungs.

As I felt the weight lift from my stomach I used this as an opportunity to buck off my attacker as I kicked my left foot out as hard as I could feeling it connect with something. I rise quickly from the bed and see a woman's silhouette falling back onto the floor followed with a grunt.

She springs back up holding her jaw, "this time I'll make sure you both die!" She screamed as she launched at me....
But oddly, she looked so familiar, like I've seen her before. I definitely have seen her before somewhere.


I woke to kicking and my hands being trapped underneath the blankets while sucking in large gulps of air as I reached for my throat. I look beside me and Bates is sound asleep, the pillows are still in place, I felt instant relief wash over me.

What a horrible nightmare....

I started to think back how I dreamed of myself having a nightmare that turned into a worse one. This is crazy I thought shaking my head and catching my breath.

I rise from the bed and head to the bathroom to wash my face, closing the door behind me I walked straight to the tap splashing the cool liquid evenly on my cheeks and neck to wake me up. I wiped my face with a hand towel and looked into the mirror and gasped as I saw 'this isn't over' written on the mirror.

What the hell?

Panic flooded through my body as I fumed with anger. I will not allow her to frighten me or hurt us.


She wants to play games, I can play hard ball as well.

A.N.: Readers, I know its been forever since I've updated and I'm so deeply sorry for that! I literally do not get a break from work but hope this was a good one. Thank you guys for being patient and not giving up on me, I've thought about you guys everyday! Well, we finally know who Madison is!!! (Mila Kunis) What do yall think about the nightmare and your thoughts on how real it was?? I can't wait to hear, I've missed you guys!! Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote! xoxox

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