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As the lights go black then regular "theres one more" I say as the lights do it again "nope two more" Cry says we all look at the robots and see Bonnie and Golden Freddy had some one, in Bonnies hands he had Jack, and Goldie had Lilly or as we call her superwoman.  "Three people in one day wow that's not normal" Freddy says, we all walk to stage and me and Wolfy take off are sweaters and let Jack and Lilly ues them as pillows, Cry Ken and Dust where telling mark whats going on and Pewds and Chica where making pizza for us and geting water. After some time pewds and Chica walk in with drinks and pizza, everyone comes in and sits down, we all eat and laugh, talk like nothing was going to happen

Wolfys pov

'O thanks goodness im eating some meat or my dirty little secret would have been out' I think to my self and laughing with every one

Dusty pov

I look over at wolfy 'meat is allshe needs so no one knows about her same with me and (y/n)' I then look back at every one, we where saying funny things that happened to us and laughing "once it was just me and Wolfy at home and I went to go cook but Wolfy had goten her head stuck on a bool so I had to help her" I says as every one laughs "Hey shut up I fell and the dam bowl was there" Wolfy says crossing her arms we laugh harder "sure" I say "the same with Foxy" Chica said we then laugh harder, I was crying of laughter so was Ken Pewds and Mark.  After some eating and cleaning up we all went to sleep 'to day was fun' I think then shuting my eyes

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