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Wolfys pov

As I was walking down I here some one runing "umm hello" I say as I see a red fox I start runing back but he picks me up and starts runing to them

Lizzy pov

As I was walking I hear some one walking to me "AWWWWWW HEEELLLLL NAAAAA" I start runing back to get picked up and still walking to the gang

(Y/n) pov

I shake my head "AAAAHHHHHH" I hear pewds yell and run in to the corner and I look at what happened it was Foxy holding Wolfy(XD so funny XD) "so arrr ye the now night grads" he says as we nod "well thats nice" I look over at cry to see Bonnie with Lizzy in his hands "I hope we did not scare you all, we only had 7 people here and they all killed there selves we just need some friends" Bonnie says I smile "really ok" Wolfy says

Little time skip

(Y/n) pov

So we all whent with some one it was me and freddy, Wolfy and Foxy, Lizzy cry and Bonnie,  and Pewds ken and Chica me and Freddy where on the stage, Foxy and Wolfy where in pirat cove, Pewds Ken and Chica in the kitchen and Liz Cry and Bonnie in the security room, "so where are you from (y/n)" Freddy asks me "o im from (where your from) its nice and beautiful there" I say smiling he smiles at me "o thats nice as you see im from here" we laugh

Lizzy pov

So we all where laughing and talking about things "once me and Wolfy where in Sweden I was talking to a man and he was speaking Swedish he said would you like to kiss my ass and because I had no idea what he said I say in Japanese fuck u and walk off and Wolfy looks at me and I ask what did he say and she smiles and says lets just say you did a good thing to walk off" we laugh "did she ever tell you what that meens" cry said "ya wgen we wgere geting in the car" they nod "so you speek Japanese, Wolfy and Filex speek Swedish and Cry and Ken only know English" we both nod as Bonnie smiles "good to know"

Pewds pov

All three of us where just shoving pizza in a mouths

Wolfys pov

Me and Foxy where talking about alot of stuff "so Wolfy where are you from" Foxy as me "im from SK Canada it gets really cold up there" he nods his head "arrr that be a mighty fine place to be living in im from the seven seas" ma and him smile

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