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I sat down next to Marry and Mozia talking to them asking whats going on in the real world as Wolfy and Mark yelled at one another. Jade and Cry where talking to the robots.

Jack and Lilly walk to us and sit next to us "so is the world still the same" Jack asks "no the world has gone crazy cuz you all have gone missing YouTube is not the same, the fans on every midea have been looking for you all some fans have even gave up cuz they think your all dead and a lot of others have been making missing shirts and poster's" Marry says "so the worlds gone crazy cuz we gone" Mozia nods her head "so after this its home free" Lilly does a big smile as she asks, they shake there head "um no there's one more game coming out, the last and final one" Mozia says, Jack gets up and punches a wall and it brakes "THATS IT SHUT UP YOU BLOODY FUKERS" Mark and Wolfy shut up looking at him and so did Jade, Cry and the robots "YOU GUYS SHOULD BE HAPPY THAT ARE FRIENDS ARE SAFE, WE WILL MAKE IT THROUGH THIS A LIVE" Mark and Wolfy hug each other saying there sorry 'Um hey this is (y/n)' someone says in my head 'um ya who are you' 'YUSSSS its me Dusty so everyone that made it out started posting everywhere what has been going on and Scott says he is sorry but he cant stop the games' she then cuts off "GUYS" everyone looks at me "everyone that made it out told everyone what happened" I jump up in exsitment "wait Dust told you, Poods told me" Red replays back "hey wait ken told me that Jade can leave cuz of the angel thing" Cry says looking at her and she clings on to Foxy "I cant not with out Foxy I love him with all my heart" Foxy just smiles and hugs her making sure he did not cut her with his hook.

The lights turnd off and everyone screams a girly scream, when they turn back on all the robots where gone, we look around the room and Wolfy and Mark where hanging on each other for dear life

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