game 3 really

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"How are we going to get out guys, with out Red to use her magic to save us what now" Mark says "we can all ways as Dark" Jack aays with a small smile "Jack we dont know where he is or what he will do or what he can do" Cry Says he just nods hos head, Mark stands up "Kill me" He says "NO" we all yell at him "No kill me there should be an Iplier that can use portals" we stop and Just think, Sometime go's by and Kento stands up with a Katana "Ok ill kill you" he says Mark opens his arms and Kento jabs the sword in him and he go's limp, he glows pink and stands up as he is Wilfred Warfstache "Men, Lady's" he says with a smile "I know your problem and I will help but for a cost" "whats the cost" Ken says "you'll find out soon" he grins pink smok appears and we disappear into it, when I open my eyes where in another game we all are here, and I mean us all Mark was him self and Red was alive and Jack Lilly and Jade were still in there form "what's going on" Poods asks "I dont know" Jade replied "All we know is theres a new robot and everyone is still here" Lilly says as I smile knowing Freddy is still here, Red pulls up her shirt so a little of her red bra and Mark dose the same but he has no bra on, but they have a big scar on there stomachs, Jack dose a little squall and Lilly and Jade back up "what happend" they ask "Wolf and Mark died in the last game but there still here" we stop and think "What if Wifred Warfstache needed them back, Red for the portal and Mark for his body" Cry says questioning, Dark nods his head "thats probably ture, will never know what hes up too till the time comes" Dark sits down and Mark and Wolfy put there shirts down, all the robots came in abd said there sorrys but Golden Freddy he was no where to be seen, we where going to talk about it in the morning.
We all went to sleep but Red and I "Red cant sleep" she look at me and nods her head, I get up and walk to her sitting next to her "You was the one to die" I look at her shocked "what you mean" she looks at me with a small smile and puts her hands on my face

~What should have happened~

I smiled at everyone as I stopped and looked down seeing Golden Freddys arm gone through me, he ripped it out and ran off, everyone was screaming and crap, Wolfy got to me befor I hit the floor and was crying as I died in her arms

~back to reality~

"You did that for me" she nods her head and I give her a big hug and she hugged back, after we spent sometime talking we went to sleep

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