one year later

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(Y/n) pov

Jaden, Wolfy and I all are done school now. Jadan, Wolfy and I are all at my place playing a game for YouTube, Wolfys YouTube name is Miss.Foxwolf, Jadens is Elisabeth cosplay and is dating Cry, and I am (y/y/n), we are all playing black ops me, Wolfy, Ken, and Mark vs Jaden, cry, pewds, and Toby and so far we are wining "SON OF A BUTTER CUP" we all laugh at what Ken had just said, then in 3 2 1 "YES WE WIN" me and Wolfy say "hey thats twenty-five wins for you guys thats no fair" Cry said mad "ya well I think its time to go well bye bye my animal" Wolfy says then gos, "see you bros in the next episode byeeee" pewds say with his brofist then leaves, "well bye bye my anime animals" Jaden waves goodbye and leaves as well, "well bye bye humans see you in the future" I say then turn off and lay back with a smile.

Time skip

It was bed time for Jaden, Wolfy and I. I got into bed and was thinking about a new game comeing out soon "GOOD NIGHT I LOVE YOU GIRL AND JADEN" Wolfy had yell from her room "SHUT THE HELL UP AND GO TO BED" Jaden yells back from her room, well tomorrow is going to be a long day

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