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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN TIME IN HERE IS FASTER AND GAME 4 HAS BEEN OUT FOR A MONTH NOW RED" I yell at her "well see this is a game time go's by vary fast a day In here is a month for the real world" we all start yelling and screaming but red "um we can go to the next game" "DO IT YOU MOTHERFKER NOW" Jade yell, Wolfy opens the portal but she looks at us "I can only send the 7 of you so you will have to wait a lot longer for me" we where about to say something but she pushes us in the last thing we hurd was "Be safe my friends" then it went to pich black.

I wake up in a room a lone seeing all my friends dead, there bodys hang in front of me "like my work" someone whispers to me I jump and turn around, seeing Freddy coverd in blood "y-you did this" I ask with a shudder, noding his head he evily girns at me and walks closer "YOUR NEXT" he yells and runs at me.

I wake up screaming in a bed I was painting, I look around the room seeing no one but stuffys of the robot's "hello, guys are you there" I say getting out of the bed I get up and walk down the hallway I went to go all the way to the other room but when I got there I had walked into a brick wall "what its just a painting" I yell at the wall but I stopped when I Hurd something yell back at me "(y/n) is that you" it was Jade "ya is that you Jade" "Ya do you know what is going on" I just sigh "no I thought you would know" "damit" I say punching the wall I then slide down it "come on do be mad we can do this" she says trying to stay positive, I just shake my head "this wall we could naver brake and that means no hope for us" "are you sure" I look up at the roof seeing it was made of wood "its me jack guys" "JACK¡¡¡¡" both Jade and I yell at the roof "if I can brake the floor I come down to (y/n) who is right under me, so (y/n) move in to the room" I do as he says as I do so all I hear is the floor cracking then a big crashing sound TWO of them, Jade starts to scream when I go look to see Jack someone elas was there instead

a robot love (reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now