dont-dont hurt me please

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It was golden Freddy not Jack, backing up I hit the wall "why hello (y/n) its nice seeing you" he says evily, I shake in fear "what do you want" "o well just to talk" "LIES" I yell at him "your right I want your soul" he then starts walking to me, I tremble even more "awww why so scared" he asks putting both arms be side my head "I can't believe im saying this but I-I dont want to die" I get a shiver down my spine as I can feal his evil ora around him "(Y/N) HELP" I hear Jade yell, a few tears fall from my face and Goldy laughs then I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, when I look down I see Goldys hand had gone through me, he then rips it out of me and I slide to the floor slowly closing my eyes but the last thing I see is a flash of green and white the I pass out

Wake up
I slowly open my eyes rubbing my head looking around, I was laying in the bed and Jack was beside me in a chair a sleep I sit up but then squeak in pain, I look at my stomach seeing some bandages, when I look back up Jack was up "morning sleepy head" he says with a smile "Hey Jack" I say smiling back "I know what your think Jades fine what ever was with her she beat the shit out of it" I then nod my head laying back down "so what now do we do now?" I ask, Jack just shrugs "well we need to find the others" I nod my head

Marks pov
I shake my head with a sigh that theres nothing we can do. The Boss power, an Angel, the Seer, a Murder or me can do nothing, but maybe The girls have secret powers we sure as hell dont know about. I look up at the roof with Cry above me, there is no Pont into talking to him he will just be the god dam same. I walk into the room laying on the bed "a little nap cant hurt" I slowly close my eyes and fall a sleep.

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