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??? Pov

I sigh feeling bad for doing this, I sit up straight in my chair, pulling up my games I select all then delete "Bye bye Five Nights At Freddys" I then fall back into my chair almost crying as I hold my head

"If the players all escape from your game you get sent in"
"If they players die in game you get a scar"
"If you delete game you are forgotten"
"If you go into your game you turn into a monster not being able to leave"

I got sent shivers up my spine as I thought of the rules and what would happen to me

One month later
Pewds pov

I smalled smiled to ken and the others as we sat at are bestfriends funerals, we where having them now for a few days ago we found out are friends died, I had one wish and it was for me to see Mozia one last time everyone elas wish was to see one other one last time

Time gos in you lose some you gane some, you love one you hurt one, life us life sometimes it hurts but even on your blackest days there will be a little ray of light to keep you going, to hold you, and to make you smile.

One thing is your life is so important don't throw it away¡ what will your friends do and think when your gone, how will your family feel, think before you do, and do ever give up ^.^

a robot love (reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now