new game

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(Y/n) pov

So this new game had came out and its called, Five Nights At Freddy's, we all started to play it,Wolfy has fall in love with the game, she is in love with Foxy, but for me Im in love with Freddy he is so hot and cool and all that.

Time skip to a month later

So Wolf, Liz, pewds, Cry, Ken, Mark and I are all playing it, as we are we all see this hand come out of are computer and pull us in to the game, 'well bye bye world'. I get up in a bathroom "wow how did I get here?" I asked as I get up and look around.

Jadens pov

I get up in a closet with Mark, "o Lizzy your up and ok thats good" Mark said with a smile on his face, I just nod "where are we?" I asked looking a round "well I was going to ask you the same thing" I make the "o" face.

Wolfys pov

I get up in a kitchen with pewds and we look at one another, "FOOD IM HUNGRY LETS GO AND EAT IT" we both yell and start eating.

Kens pov

I get up in a office room with Cry, So I nicly wake him up "hey Cry whats going on" I asked him as he sits up rubbing his eyes, he then just shrugs, we start to look at what in the room. We see cameras and two doors, "um Ken I think we are in the game Five Nights At Freddy's" Cry said with a little laugh in his voice.

((Hey sorry for the short one but September 25 is my birthday))

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