Ken, Wolfy noooo

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(Y/n) pov

I was running and looking for wolfy it was taking forever to find her, but aster like some min we found her, she was just talking to dark "w-wolfy" I shudder they both look at me, I start to cry and run off. I stop when I feal arms around me, I knew it was Freddy so I hugged back crying in his arms, we then walked out of the room going up stairs and siting on the stage "mabe there just talking" Freddy says "no shes not what you think she is same with me and Dust" I say looking at them "what you mean not the same" Jack asks "Wolfys a 4 tailed foxwolf, im a (y/f/a) with one tail and Dusty is a two tailed cat" I look away from them "so your still you nothing will change that" Freddy says huging me so I hug back "I love you Freddy" "I love you too" we smile at one another "awwww this is so cute" Lilly says smiling we then look at her and smile. Everyone that was up stairs came down stairs "hey guys" Lilly says "we have something to talk to you guys about" Foxy says "So do we but you first" Jack says Golden Freddy nods "um Ken is a grizzly bear now, cuz hes been in here to long" Jack, the new girl, lilly, Mark, me and freddy all tilt are head, then Ken comes out and we see what they mean, a few of us start to cry as they tell us this "are's is Darkaplier is here and him and Wolfy might want to kill us now" I say "no she would never" Cry says "Wolfy will trust me befor we became YouTube's she was a murder and Dusty and me where to only ones that could cuz were her Senpais, we would tell her no but now I think we lost her for good, Wolfys a 4 tailed foxwolf, im a (y/f/a) with one tail and Dustys a cat with two tails" I say "Wait I know Wolfy I remember" everyone looks at the new girl "whos she" Ken ask "im Jade aka Kittykatrowr" she says, I then get a good look at her she had nice purple hair, brown eyes, black jeans and a t-shirt that says cats rule and black high tops on "me and Wolfy are good friends" Jade says we nod and smile, we start talking to her and geting to know her more

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