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After talking to BB we found out that theres a few new robots and two are not happy campers "hey do you know Freddy" I say shyly to BB "ya of course I do and a old Chica, old Bonnie, golden Freddy, and a old Foxy" When he says that Jadr lights up "would you like me to get them for you" me and Jade smile big and we nod are head and he disappears. He then comes back with them Jade runs to Foxy and they hug "(Y/N)/FREDDY" Freddy and I yell at the same time and hug one another then kiss "GET A ROOM" Red(Wolfy) and Kento(dusty) yell at the sametime, I just giggle and Freddy grins. So we had a long chat with everyone telling each othere what we are, Lilly is the real superwoman, Jade is a beautiful Angel, Poods is a Warrior angel, Bonnie lost his face cuz of toy Bonnie, Foxy got beaten by some older kids and Ken is a real bear it was so cool to find out what everyone is till Dark and Wolfy where up theres was scary and bloody as hell so we got off that topic "so Freddy is this everyone" they all shake there head "theres three more the mask, mangled and the no name he will kill anyone the mask is the same and mangled is scared to come out" we all nod are heads "But dont worry all of us will protect you and Dark + Red" BB says 'sure like thoughts two will' I think to my self 'you don't want us too' Red says back so I glare at her as she grins at me "You ok (y/n)" Ken asks me I smile at him and nod "ya I am I just though of something" "what was it" Jade asks me "it was a memory of me Wolf and Dust"

Flash back

It was a sunny day me Dust and Wolf where at the beach, Kento was eating ice creem, I was building a sand casle and Wolfy was putting lots of sunscreen on so she did not burn "FU************" Dusty yells and her ice creem falls in the sand "remember when you dropped you ice WELL YOU PICK IT UP AND EAT IT" Wolfy yells at her I just fall back laughing, Kento gets up and walks to me and destroys my sand castle "THATS IT" I yell as I get up and run for her "BARK BARK" Wolfy yells as she Chase me "I EONT HURT YOUR SENPAI IM SORRY" I yell at her as I jump In the water and they both follow

Flash back over

I smile at the thoght of it "thats nice" Poods says smiling "wow even back then Wolf was an A** too"Lilly says, Kento Red and I all nod are head and chuckle "so Red I have a question for you" Jack says "hmmmm" she replays "when can we get out of here using your portal" she stops and thinks "well about 5 month's my portal needs time to charge becuz there where so many of us it took a lot of power well my energy so ya but lets hope only two games" "got that right there better only be two god dam games" Lilly says all sassy and we all just laugh and chat away


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