The Last Guardian

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AN- This is based off of the game The Last Guardian.

Gerard POV-

I'd woken up early today, so I may as well go and talk to Frank. I went to his house and knocked on the door. It finally opened, but rather than Frank opening the door like he did every day, his mum stood in the doorway, her eyes puffy and red.

"Mrs Iero? Are you alright?" I ask, concerned. I don't think I've ever seen her cry before.

"I'm so sorry Gerard, I know you loved him-" she wipes her eyes with the backs of her hands before finally saying "Frank has been taken. My Frankie was taken by them. The- the-"

She doesn't continue but I know what she means. Every once in a while, massive creatures take kids from our village in the middle of the night. Me and Frank had been lucky to make it to 15.

Frank's mom takes me in a tight hug, apologising over and over again, and I simply rubbed her back soothingly. I wasn't sure what to do. Frank had been taken. None of the kids who'd been taken had ever made it back. I'm never going to see him again.

I never even got the chance to tell Frank that I love him.

And now he's gone.


Frank POV-

I awake in an unfamiliar cave, sunlight shining through a hole in the ceiling, almost blinding me. I blink a few times and look around.

The first thing that catches my eye is a structure that's been here for a while, by the looks of it. On top of it are two glowing things. What are those things?

The grass is overgrown in some places, but it's a very pretty place and I think of Gerard and how much he would love to draw this place. Oh shit. Gerard. He must be so worried- he doesn't know where I am. He doesn't even know if I'm alive- it must be horrible for him.

I sit down against a large bump on the floor, noticing that there were chains attached to it. I pay not attention to them as tears begin to stream down my face as I think of the boy I love, unsure if I'll ever see him again.

Then a noise behind me makes my heart race and my breath hitch. I turn around slowly and see a massive beast behind me, tied to the chains on the ground.

It looks like a big cat, with wings that had been ripped off, and broken horns that glowed a dull, greenish- blue colour. It roared and tried to scratch its ear when I noticed the spears.

There were two, one in his left hind leg, the other deep in his right shoulder. This creature had taken me away from everyone and everything I loved. But I couldn't leave it like that. It was clearly in pain- I had to help.

I decide to name the animal Trico, while climbing on his leg to get a spesr out.

I did manage to get the spear out.

I also got myself knocked out in the process.

When I awoke, the first thing I noticed was that it was still light outside. That meant that I'd either not been out cold for a long time, or I had. I went with not a long time. My head ached a little, but other than that I was completely fine. I need to find a way out- I need to find a way back to Gerard.

—Time skip 2/3 days because I'm lazy—

"NO! TRICO!" I yell as I watch my best friend get attacked by the other beasts. I try to run to him but I'm blocked by another of his kind- this one far more hostile though. Every time I try to run towards Trico, I'm knocked down by one of these armoured creatures.

Something shines some distance away and it catches my eye- the mirror! I can use that and Trico's lightning can scare away the other beasts.

I run to the mirror, and I almost have it, when I'm knocked off of the tower by a black and grey trico knocked me off.

This can't be happening. I got so far, I was so close to seeing Gerard again. I couldn't die here. Not now, not like this. I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable impact. Impact that I wouldn't survive.

I land on something soft. This doesn't feel like rock. I open my eyes to examine what I landed on. It was another one of the creatures, only this one was mostly black, with bits of dark yellow on its neck and tail. I smile softly and pet his neck- I now owe two tricos my life.

The yellow- black trico places me safely on the tower, conveniently near the mirror I needed to use. I look at Trico and notice that his tail had been ripped off- those bastards- and thrown on the fan.

Suddenly I had a genius idea. If Trico's tail could shoot lightning when it was attached to his body, surely it could shoot lightning when it wasn't attached to his body, right?

I tested it out and, lo behold, it worked.

I make my way back down to the Master of the Valley. This ball of evil has ruined my life in countless ways, and now here I was, about to end its life.

I aimed the mirror at the Master, and watched it, almost in slow motion, as it exploded, sending bits of shrapnel flying everywhere.

I hear loud screeching above me, but I don't last very long before I pass out one last time.

Time skip again XD—

I wake up and see a very familiar sight, but something was slightly wrong. I was in my village again, but everyone was attacking something. Are they attacking me?

One man- one of my father's friends- throws a spear in my direction, but misses my head. A screech follows when I realised what they're doing.

I try to yell at them to stop- Trico's my friend, they shouldn't be attacking him- but it comes out as more of a wheeze than a yell.

I try to stand up, but fall immedietaly, only to be caught by someone all too familiar.

"Gerard!" I say, me eyes lighting up, but my voice still wasn't working. Gerard picks me up bridal style and carries me away from Trico, his eyes shining with tears.

I point towards Trico, hoping Gerard will understand what I'm trying to say, but he doesn't.

"Don't worry Frankie, we'll get rid of it. That horrible beast took you away from me, I didn't think you were alive. Look what it did to you" he says, rambling.

I shake my head, but to no avail. Finally I realise what I have to do.

I try to speak, but my voice is still croaky and quiet. When I'm finally somewhat understandable, I say the only thing that comes to mind.

"Jump Trico. Jump."

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