Baby, You're A Haunted House

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Frank hadn't always been superstitious. He still wouldn't say he's superstitious, but it's pretty damn obvious. He didn't believe loads of superstitions, but the ones he did believe in he was pretty invested in.

The whole superstition thing started about 11 months ago, when he saw some magpies on the way home from school and remembered an old rhyme his mum used to tell him when he was younger.

One for sorrow,
Two for joy,
Three for a girl,
Four for a boy,
Five for silver,
Six for gold,
Seven for a secret never to be told.
Eight for a wish,
Nine for a kiss,
Ten for a bird you mustn't miss.

There were nine of them that day.

Nine for a kiss.

And lo and behold, the very next day, Frank's best friend and long time crush, Gerard Way, had kissed him and they had been boyfriends ever since.

So when Frank saw a single magpie on his way to school, holding hands with his boyfriend, he got scared.

One for sorrow.

But that could mean anything. Frank's mind immediately went to death, but it didn't have to be death. It could be absolutely anything, so Frank put it out of his mind.

When he went home though, his superstition proved to be correct once again.

"Frankie I need to talk to you quickly" Linda called from the living room, so Frank took his shoes off and went to sit next to his mum on the sofa.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"So Frankie, money has been pretty tight recently, but I've found a better job that pays a lot more, but it's quite far away..." she started.

"Well how far is it? It can't be much further than Seattle, right?" Frank asked, expecting anything but the answer he was about to get.

"It's- it's a little further than Seattle, honey. We're moving to England"

No. He couldn't move to England. How would he see Gerard if he was in England? England was full of roadmen and chavs- he wouldn't stand a chance there.

"Do we have to move all the way to England? I won't be able to see Gerard" he questioned, tears beginning to pool in his eyes.

"I'm sorry sweetie, we don't have much of a choice"

Frank knocked on his boyfriend's door, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't move away from Gerard. He wasn't sure he could make it all by himself.

Gerard opened the door, and immediately took Frank into a big hug. He invited Frank inside and asked what was wrong.

"My mom got a new job and I have to move, we're leaving next month and I won't be able to see you because I'm moving to fucking England I told you something bad would happen, we saw that magpie on the way to school this morning and I don't know what I'm going to fucking do I'm going to get beaten up every fucking day by the stupid roadmen with their stupid looking hair and stupid fucking tracksuits. What the fuck is up with that, by the way, do they realise how fucking ridiculous they look-" Franks rants, interrupted by a kiss from Gerard.

"My parents aren't home all night Frank, and Mikey's at Pete's tonight I don't want to think about what they're doing but I have an idea to cheer you up" Gerard suggests, grinning and showing off all of his tiny teeth.

"Is it-"

"No it's not sex Frank"

The couple started blasting some music from Gerard's iPod and started dancing together, laughing constantly because they were in complete darkness and tripping over everything.

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