High heels

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Frank POV-
I'm listening to music, eating some pre wrapped sandwich I found in the fridge, and stand up to throw the wrapping in the bin. Ugh, it's full. I consider asking Gee to take out the trash, then remember that he's working on a commision and decide against it.

I tie up the black bag and look for my shoes, but can't find them. After about 5 minutes of searching, I give up and pull on a pair of Gerard's shoes. He won't mind, will he? Oh well, too late now.

I realise when I take my first step that these are high heels, and look around for any other pair of shoes, to no avail. I sigh, before taking a few tentative steps towards the door, until I trip, landing on my stomach.

Standing up to try again, I decide that I will learn how to walk in these.

After about half an hour of pacing up and down the hallway, with, surprising, very few falls, I decide that I'm confident enough to go outside in the heels. Hang on... why did I need to go outside? Oh right, take out the trash.

When I get back, I forget I'm wearing the heels and walk into the kitchen, not expecting to see Gerard making coffee, turning his head when he hears the clicking of the high heels on hard tiles. He looks me up and down and smirks, walking towards me and places his hands on my hips.

"Hi Frankie" Gerard says in a seductive voice "I didn't know you wore high heels"

"I don't" I replied, kissing him quickly "I couldn't find my shoes and your heels were the only ones I could find"

"Is that so Frankie? Well you look really good in high heels. How does it feel being tall?" he laughs, before I shove him playfully.

"Oh you know what Gee, fuck you"

A/N- i know this chapter is super short and has a terrible ending but i couldnt think of how else it could go but uh yeah i just wanted to get something out.

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