Homophobia is Gay

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"C'mon Frankie, please?" Gerard asked for probably the 15th time.

"Gerard I refuse to go anywhere wearing a t-shirt that has rainbow dicks on it" Frank sighed, again.

"But we can be matching!"

"We have matching face paint, bracelets and socks, don't you think that's enough?"

Frank hesitated when he saw Gerard's pouty face, and then decided to compromise. He pulled out a bright red short sleeved t-shirt and a black sharpie. He turned away with the t-shirt and the sharpie and wrote something down. After a while, Frank took off the shirt he was currently wearing and replaced it with the red shirt, before turning back around and grinning.

"Homophobia is gay" Gerard read, chuckling "Fine, I accept it"

Frank kissed his boyfriend, before intertwining his hand with Gerard's, pulling them out the door.

"That was amazing!" Frank giggled, still riding the high of the pride parade, before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders. Then it hits Frank that Gerard seemed pretty odd for the past few days- they'd been to pride parades before and he'd never acted like this- making Frank stop dead in his tracks.

"Frank? You alright?" Gerard asks, the giddyness in his eyes quickly morphing to concern.

"Gee?" Frank says, tears pooling in his hazel eyes.

"Yeah Frank?"

"Are you breaking up with me?"

It takes a few seconds for Gerard to reply, confusion clear on his face.

"Breaking up with you? No of course not! Why would you think that?"

"You... you've been acting really different recently and I- I thought-"

Gerard chuckles a little and smiles at his boyfriend.

"Frank Anthony Iero, I have known you for almost my entire life, and I love you so much. I love the way your nose scrunches up when you laugh, and the way your eyes light up like stars when you smile. I love the way you lose yourself when you're playing guitar and the look in your eyes when you love something. The way you always have a plan, no matter what goes on, and the way I can always count on you when things get tough. You helped me realise that it's ok to let my guard down every once in a while and that sometimes you need to be a little vulnerable. You helped me find out what true love feels like. I can't think of anyone better to spend the rest of my life with," Gerard goes down on one knee and pulls out a small black box, opening it carefully.

"Frank Iero, will you marry me?"

It takes a few seconds for Frank to process what his boyfriend asked.

"Of course I'll marry you Gee, I love you so much" he replies, his eyes watering slightly.

Gerard smiles and puts the ring on his fiancé's finger. The shorter man looks at the ring and kisses Gerard, pouring all of his love into that one kiss.

"I would love nothing more than to be your husband Gee"

"I'm glad Frank, there's no one I'd rather be with"

A/N- I didn't originally mean for them to get engaged but I was writing and thought it would work so I did it and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out :)

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