Falling In Love Will Kill You

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A/N- also gee has blue hair in this because i saw a picture and it looked amazing but i cant find it anymore

Frank POV-
The waiting room is empty, apart from some woman with dyed orange hair. A doctor walks in and looks down at his clipboard and reads out the next patient's name.

"Miss Hayley Williams? If you could come with me please?"

The woman- Hayley- stands up and follows the doctor down the corridor. I'm left alone in the room, so I allow my mind to wonder. Immediately, I start thinking about a certain blue haired man that I haven't been able to stop thinking about recently. My heart speeds up and suddenly I can't breathe and fuck why is everything spinning? My chest feels warm and my mind is clouded with images of my best friend that I should not be having.

"Mr Frank Iero? If you could follow me please"

A curly- haired doctor shakes me from my thoughts, calling me to his office. Once inside, I sit down and will my hands to stop shaking.

"Hi there, can I call you Frank?" the doctor asks, typing something on his computer. I nod and he turns to look at me, taking his hands off of the keyboard.

"Hello Frank. My name is Dr Toro, but you can call me Ray if you'd prefer. What's brought you here today then?"

I take a deep breath, and shuffle slightly in my seat as I figure out how to phrase what I'd like to talk about.

"I've been having, I don't even know what they're called, episodes I guess? Maybe? Anyway I have been having episodes where my heart starts beating really fast, and I struggle to breathe properly and everything starts to spin and it feels like I got hit by a train but they-" I start, hesitating when I get to the bit about when they happen.

I've noticed a recurring theme that I really don't think has anything to do with it, but he really shouldn't be having this effect on me. Every time I think about him or I see him I go weak and can't breathe properly.

"They...?" Dr Toro continues, urging me to keep talking.

"They happen out of nowhere. I mean I'm usually thinking about something when they happen but I'm sure it has nothing to do with them it's probably just some freak coincidence" I say finally. Ray looks at me sceptically and writes something down on a clipboard I hadn't noticed earlier.

"And what is it that you're usually thinking about when these episodes happen?" he questions.

I feel my face heat up and I wring my hands together subconciously, shifting slightly in my chair.

"I uh, I'm usually thinking about my- my friend?" I stutter, unsure as to how Ray would react to that.

To my surprise, he doesn't react, just keeps writing stuff down.

"And do you have any kind of romatic or sexual attraction towards this friend?" he asks, looking up at me curiously.

"No?" I reply, but my voice goes slightly higher at the end of the word making it sound more like a question than a sentence.

"Are you sure there Frank?"

Am I sure? What if I do like him?

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