Blaze it

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Gerard POV-
I'm late to class. I know that. There's not much I can do about it though, considering that I can't find my phone and I haven't had my coffee yet.

"Fuck it" I say to myself, I'll ask my roommate Ray to call my phone when I finish my lecture so I can find it. Right now though, I need to focus on getting to my class on time. Ish.

Like 15 minutes later because I'm lazy af—

I made it on time, I'm okay. Actually I'm a little out of breath because I ran but I'll live. Hopefully. I've sat down and brought my stuff out when someone comes and sits next to me. I vaguely recognise him as the guy who sits at the back with his headphones in. I want to say his name is Frank something but I'm not 100% sure.

I look at the back of the room to see why he's not there and then I realise that all the seats are full. Makes sense why he'd sit somewhere else though, but why with me?

"Hey, Gerard is it?" he says.

"Yeah. You're Frank right?" I respond, making sure that that's actually his name and I'm not thinking of someone else.

"That's me"

A silence fills the room as our professor comes into the classroom, and me and Frank spend the entire hour talking.

We spoke about everything and nothing. We talked about how Frank's in a band but is thinking of leaving soon because he just doesn't think it's working out, and how I want to write comics for a living. We discuss our music taste and we both agree that The Misfits is an amazing band.

Then something really unexpected happens.

Frank takes a Monster energy drink out of his bag and pours all of the contents into the large black coffee he was already drinking.

"I'm going to die anyways, blaze it" he says, before chugging the entire thing.

"What the fuck-" I say, before getting interrupted by my new most respected person ever.

"I've had online lessons all night and I have a double shift at Walmart after 5 hours of lectures"

Fair enough.

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