When its your birthday: Leo

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 Go shotta its my birthday

and im gonna spend it with turtle bae

and if somebody ruins my birthday

imma dig them a hole so I can burry their soul ;)

Yes its finally your birthday and you threw on a cute black  and blue dress and fixed your hair , since you wouldnt have time to change when you get back from school you decided to wear it at school and then rush to the lair .

Your mom put o a little tiara on your head before you walked out the door and so far in your school day everything was great , you was the star of the show and nobody was going to take that from you . 

 The final bell rung and April snaked her arm around your linking arms skipping down the yellow brick road, while Casey shook his head the whole way to the manhole . April went down first and Casey said he would help you down to not get anything on your outfit .

He jumped down the hole and when you thought you were about to get help , a grip caught hold of your arm taking it behind your back and the other hand was around your mouth .

Your heart was pounding fast as to who it was and why it had to be on this day . You squirmed from the embrace but to no vail and the worst thing was the two people you call friends shut the manhole cover and left .

You were doing your best to stay strong but inside you were praying to where the shell was Leo . A kiss on the back of your neck made your thoughts stop, the feeling was familiar and warm , the hand was still around your mouth but you could see the glimspe of green and knowing it was green you knew it had 3 fingers


The  person turned you around to have a childish grin on your lovers face , knowing you almost had a hard attack and couldve gotten killed you couldnt help but have that same beautiful smile he loved to see on you . 

You:Can you stop being cute 

Leo:why my love

You:Im trying to be mad at you but your ruining it

Leo:Im not sorry and Happy Birthday beautiful

He pulled out from behind his back a boquet of blue roses and you gladly took them in your grasp. His hands now let go of your arm and trailed it down around your waist pulling you closer to him , the space between yall wasnt even called space , it was called "having a boyfriend that wants to spend his entire life with you and that would always protect you from harms way".

You:Leo these are beautiful

Leo:but not as beautiful as you my sweet , Happy Birthday and I love you

You: I love you too Romeo

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