H&H: Mikey

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With Mikey

Regular morning with the mutants and nothing seemed to be wrong with the blue, red, and or purple clad turtle; only the orange, hyperactive knuckle head turtle.

As he slept peacefully his mind contoured on him and dropped him into a nightmare that he couldn't seem to get out of. His smile faltered and the turtle began to whimper and squirm in his sheets, turning to the point where he fell out his bed unto the hard cement on his back. Mikey stirred and opened his eyelids groaning as he sat up rubbing his back that was aching terribly unlike how it usually is.

Mikey didn't know what it was or why he was thinking of so many thoughts that certainly would've never crossed his mind, but his body claimed his as a puppet and did it's own thing.

Mikey: *Groaning* (Yyyyy/nnnn) .....

    With you

The school day went by in a blur and you excitedly skated your way through the halls getting complaints from pass byers but you didn't phase them and finally exited the school and rolled down the side walk to her cute, adorable, innocent, non nasty boyfriend.

You: So basically the opposite of Raph

She chuckles to her inside joke until her phone buzzed in her pocket and forgot to check the missed notification and saw the icon of Raph making a crazy face as you took it at a random moment for him ,worth getting hung upside down on a building for it. You answered with your signature call and heard his voice through the receiver.

Raph: Were you talking about me?

You: Nooooo

Raph: I'mma get you when I see you.

You: Meanie

Raph: Yeah Yeah whatever, oh and hurry up Mikey said he had something special for you

With that he hung up on you and being your curious self you sped off even faster into an alley way.

You: Mikey...Mikey, where are you Mikster?

Entering the familiar lair, everyone but Mikey was downstairs and said they he was upstairs in his room and has been there the whole day and wouldn't come out until you came. There you were infront of his orange spray painted door readying to knock, until the door cracked open with just a single touch of your knuckles on the wood. The vibe was off the charts in a creepy way of the atmosphere and decided to still go and look for your turtle.

The room was pitch black and no noise was made until you called out your lover's name again. With calling his name out the door shut behind you and tensed up having your hairs rise up.

You: M-Mikey?

???: (Yyyyy/nnnn)

You: M-Mike-

The sudden touch of a hand on your waist spooked you into pieces causing you to let out a high pitch screm.

The lights flickered on in a snap and the person that touched you pounced on you and felt a pair of soft small lips get in contact with your cheeks, lips, forehead; your whole face. Struggling from the unfamiliar pair of lips, you finally got the stranger off by placing your knees into his stomach taking him by surprise and rolled off to where he curled into a ball beside you.

Immediately, you jumped up and tackled him yelling out incoherent words.

You: Who the Hell are you Dude?

The blonde straight short haired human boy took his arms away from his face and showed his captivating and familiar baby blue eyes that you fell for when y'all first met.

You: Mikey??? But how-

Before you could your body was slugged to the ground by your boyfriend and found yourself being straddled by him. You saw him smile wide and look at his new form until you realized...... he was butt ass naked.

You: Mikey where are your-

Yet again interrupted by the Mikster squeezing you into a hug and gave you pepper kisses that you couldn't resist to laugh at being tickllish and all.

Mikey: (Y/n) I missed you so much

You: Mikey what happened

Mikey: Oh this *points to himself* this always happens once a year.  5 years ago I drunk some ooze that I thought would taste good on pizza and it just turned me into this ever since, once a year, in this day, I turn human

After he explained his problem, your mouth was agape getting it lift up by Mikey who quickly smiled and pecked your lips making you blush.

You: Mikster what's with you today?

Mikey: I don't know, I just love you too much (cute nickname)

Your cheeks were red now and he thought it was adorable and slowly caressed them with his thumb moving your (h/c) hair behind your ear and felt along your cheeks with his new thumbs.

Mikey: You are so amazing, and beautiful, and smart (Y/n) I'm so happy I found you

Not that you weren't loving this new side of Mikey, it was just a shell shock to see this. You tried to wiggle out the hold he had you in, failing as he held you tighter with his naked self, not minding it at all. His cheek rubbed against yours and kissed your lips once more making you give up on trying to get away and accepted it.

Mikey: Why does (Y/n)-chan want to leave me?

You placed you hands on his warm freckled cheeks and smiled up at him

You: I'm not Mikster, I just want you to put on some clothes. Humans shouldn't be walking around naked

Mikey: But Raph said married people do it

Note to self: Kill Raph

You sat up more when Mikey gave you some space, not until afterwards he pulled you closer into his chest with your back to his bare six pack making you blush feeling like a stuff animal being cuddled.

Mikey: Don't leave please, I missed you so much and I won't let you go

Mikey: No!

His voice turned from Honey-senpai to Mori in the last 2.5 seconds taking you in surprise letting your arms wrap around Mikey's to let him understand you wasn't gonna move. The tone is his voice sharpened and sounded like another person; so deep and strong filling tone. His embrace around you gotten tighter but not to a point where he was hurting you, more along the lines of a wolf caring for her pups from an enemy.

You: Mikster, I won't go anywhere just atleast put on some pants for me

It took him a minute, but the blonde finally did as you asked pulling you up first in bridal style causing you to squeak and wrap your arms around his neck to not fall. In a couple steps, he placed you down in his comfortable bed and rummaged through his room to find some sort of pants.

After he did, he pulled up the boxers which was a acceptable to you and he brought himself in the bed with you pulling you closer to where you was in his lap. His hands were back at your waist and his lips were gliding sweet, small loving kisses on you.

Mikey: * sweetly* I love you, I love you, I love you,I love you,I love you,I love you,I love you, I love you (Y/n)

Between every he would kiss you in random spots on your face that made you red and tickllish at the same time. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him one of your own sweet kisses onto him feeling him smile nonetheless.

Mikey: I love you (Y/n)

You: I love you too Mikster

Yyyeeaaaahhhhh, so. I hopped y'all liked the last chapter of this scenario.
Sorry for the ones that wanted some more freaky action but the PGMIKEY over rulled y'all.


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