When he talks Japanese: Mikey

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You walked inside the sewer tunnels already knowing where to go and by less than 30 minutes you were in the lair you call basically your first home . You saw Raph beating the punching bag like no other , the lab doors were close that meant Donnie wasnt coming out of there no time soon , and Leo was watching his corny Space Heroes at this time .

You: umm you guys know where's Mikey ?

Raph: Do you see him in here?

You: No

Raph: then thats your answer

You: Watch it Raph, I have a spork !

You walked up the staircase knocking on the door to Mikey's room seeing it crack open by itself , walking in consciously you scanned the room spotting Mikey on his bed playing with his action figure dolls . You could tell he didnt notice you approach inside until you sat at the end of his bed just watching him enjoy his self in silence .

Mikey: Chotto ama-sa, naze asoko ni subete no hōhō o suwatte

(Hey sweetness , why you sitting all the way over there)

You: What you just said bout my mama?

Mikey placed down the toys in his hands moving closer to where you sat and snaked his arms around your body to where he slipped you into his lap and you instantly layed your head on his shell feeling the warmth and protection he gave off

Mikey: (Y/n)

You: Yeah Mikey

Mikey: Sono piza no hako ni hidari ga anata no ude no naka ni inai toki ni Imu o hijō ni sekushī sa rete inai toki, watashi wa saigo no piza no yō ni kanjimasu. Hen'i-tai kame ga shitai to ureshī Imu ima madede kita anata no subete no watashi wa anata o motte imasu

You:...... awww I love you more than pizza too Mikster

Mikey: lol Did you know what I said angel cake

You: Nope ! but I know it had to do with pizza and me

Mikey: And one more question

You : what is it

Mikey :Anata wa watashi to kekkon surudarou

You: what?

Mikey placed you off his lap getting off the bed entirely and you scooted up more off the bed to where your legs dangled . You watched as Mikey took something from behind his shell but wouldnt let you see it .

The next thing in your life happened in a flash when you saw him go on one knee and held out a (f/c) box out infront of you. Your eyes almost shot out your sockets .

Mikey: (y/n) would you marry me?

You: Umm Mi-

Before you can say anything else , he opened the box to reveal a...........

(your favorite flavor) Ring Pop in the small box .

You felt your heart beat slow down to its normal pace as you relaxed a bit and felt the slight laugh come out your mouth seeing your turtles eyes gleam with hope since you never really gave a answer yet.

You: lol yes Mikey , a hundred times yes

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