When you see his baby pics: Donnie

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The day went by quicker than you thought as you struggled to complete your homework about baby animals, yes you were brillant but on every site you search and every book you unshelfed there was nothing that would be a good report for you to make out of it.

Your head started to get a migrain as you kept staring intensly at your still blank paper tapping your eraser on the table as a habit you contain.

Donnie, who was sitting on the opposite side of the lab yall were nestled in he saw your struggling and being your caring boyfriend who couldnt stand to see your irritation of your essay.

Donnie:Sweetie , are you ok?

You: A little, its just I cant find anything interesting on baby animals that can get me  a outstanding grade

Donnie came up behind you in silence wrapping  two arms securely around your body taking away most of your nerves away in a instant feeling relief. Your back leaned only a inch back to feel the warmth of his chest , even though you wanted to just cuddle up in your purple masked turtles chest your thoughts still stood to the assignment . You lips opened partly releasing a loud sigh that felt like its been in your throat forever awaiting to get out .

Noticing how awfully quiet the turtle was made you wonder, your head tilted upwards to see him staring right back at you but you could tell he was in his own little world having a concerned face and something else .....like he was trying to choose between something without saying it aloud 

You: Donnie , whats wrong 

Donnie: How much does this mean to you sweetie?

You: Its half my grade , but why?

Donnie gently pushed your back up with one of his hands signaling you that he  was about to move and didnt want you to fall backwards . He went further into his lab searching through each cabinet and drawer he had as if looking for something , the more he searched for his lost object the louder you could hear his mumbling words .  He never answered your repeated question you threw at him , instead in the middle of the repeating question he yelled out  in a average high tone guessing that he was in success for what ever he was looking for.

He came  to you with a brown torn up box in his hand smiling from invisible ear to invisible ear setting it on a table and scooting it over to you , you still held confusion written all over your face .

You: ummmm Donnie I love you, but please dont tell me this is my anniversary gift or something

Donnie: *chuckled* no, just open it , it'll probably help you out with your paper

You couldn't stop the smile off your face  from growing at  how faithful to have this turtle as your lover. Your hand fibbed with the top of the  medium sized shoe box as if not wanted to ruin anything about it . The lid was fully taken off and your eyes were like the size of saucers and your mouth hung in the shape of an "O" , the box was filled with what seemed like objects and pictures from his toddler  years . You couldnt help but touch the miniature bo staff split into two, pacifiers, goggles and broken glasses ,but  your eyes caught on something more interesting .

It was a small photo of baby Donnie holding out a card open reading in different colored  crayons with the words 

                                          " I LOVE YOU"

You: awwww Donnie this is so adorable, but I thought that the 4 of you just automatically became this age and height from the mutagen , I never thought that yall started as babies 

Donnie scratched the back of his neck seeing the reddish-pink blush come  into place across his cheeks stuttering out words, his body relaxed as he stared unto your (e/c) eyes.

Donnie: so would this help you in anyway for your essay

You: *nervous laugh* about that......... you see what happened was......... I didnt have a project at all , I just wanted to see the cute baby pictures of you Mikey told  me you had.....love you

Hello ninjas , sorry about the incident if you have read it earlier ,but for some reason everytime I try updating books on my phone and when i save it , some how either only half to none of my work shows back up . i really am  sorry , dont hurt me. But i'll make up the Mikey one for this topic tomorrowif anyone was wondering . again im so sorry


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