the baby project : Donnie

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  You ran in the lair looking everywhere for the dumb baby flour doll that you sadly had to keep for a whole month.

You: where is it?

Leo: what's wrong (y/n)

You: I can't find the stupid  baby

Leo: umm OK , well your not the first person that's doing something weird today

You: Well Donnie is-

You: Donnie , of course, thanks Leo

You cut off Leo and ran to Donnie's lab and knocked on the door

Donnie: who is it

You: pizza delivery Lol

Donnie: you can come in hun

You opened the door and walked in seeing the most heartwarming mturtle

. Donnie was playing and talking to the "baby" like it was a real one .

Donnie: I got your nose , I got your nose *chuckles*

You: awwww * pulls phone out and takes picture*

Donnie: did you really just do that

You: yes indeed I did, but baby why are you doing this

Donnie: I saw that you accidentally left it here and I didn't want my brothers to ruin your project for you so I kept it in here with me and I don't know , I just imagined it as a real baby and here we are now

You: I thank I wanna cry

You wiped away a single tear and Donnie got off of his spinning chair still holding the baby in a cradle position , he came up to you holding your chin up with his fingers  and kissed your forehead then your nose then a peck on the lips. He went closer to your ear and whispered-

Donnie: I got your lips

You:*giggles* and I got my turtle

Sorry about the long vacation , just got my phone back so yeah , I hope you enjoy it I need to get on track  and if you want  I can make a contest soon for a shout out or something but its gonna be awesome


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