When you meet him: Raph

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You were on your apartments roof top petting your pet (y/p). You heard something nearby and got up from your spot and slowly walked up to the mystery person or thing. You stayed behind a vent watching somebody trash around throwing and kicking things and using his two fork things

you: you know throwing and kicking ain't gonna solve anything

???: who asked for your stupid girly advice

you: first off you hot head wanna be know it all , I ain't girly

???: yeah 'eah whatever 

You was bout to stomp off but your (y/p) went over to the person and jumped on him making the guy fall from surprise. you yelled out (y/p/n)  and ran to the scene and helped him up realizing that he's a turtle.

???: go ahead and scream like everybody else does

you: I told you I ain't girly and second I'm not scared

He looked at you surprised but went to his natural stage and walked off



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