Dun Dun Dunn: Mikey

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You:Hey if you let me go I'll give you my frozen pizza collection

Hans: Oh my gosh shut up!

PD dude that I don't care for the name of: What kind of pizza?

You: Marshmal-

Hans: Enough

From being thrown upon the leaders tall man shoulder earlier saying it'll be easier so you want try to run away for help. Your body felt hands grip your sides letting out an surprise gasp then felt the air take control until something that was brick hard decided to help you from the fall,
By breaking the spine of your back hearing the unsatisfied noises of cracking bones.

You looked around the place hearing nothing but silence  that seemed off knowing the PD's, the air was hot and dusty; and saw that if you looked under yourself you saw barrels and barrels of liquid that smelt like chemicals with stairs coming out of doors like levels. The feeling of chains were felt around your wrist as they were grabbed and pinned behind you, the eyes of your enemy stared at you whispering and laughing with each other. Hans took off his shades and stepped up to be in front of you scooting down to your level on the metal rickety ground.

Hans: You know what I'm after (y/n), stop giving me a hard time

You: Too bad Uncle H or should I say too bad Uncle Can't get a life

The few of the Purple Dragons snickered being fools to do so watching them in amusement seeing them get fish slapped by a fish by your Uncle.

You: My pops gonna sue you again for the 15th time now aren't you getting to old for this Uncle Can't get a life

Hans: Stop calling me that!

Hans developed so much anger from your comment he used his foot to kick you in the chin which took everyone by surprise. His foot came back to another harsh impact to the top of your head falling into a dazed time zone viewing your surroundings spin in circles and the voices started to slur around you.


On the other green three fingered hand, Mikey was not happy nor was he sad that turtle was mad as in Raph mad mad. After seeing his girlfriends room empty after he woke up he saw a man standing above him with a fry pan in hand. The man easily known as (y/n)'s father having the same facial structure and (h/c) colored hair. Mikey saw a part of the man's arm wrapped with a tattoo of

Mikey: oh snap, your a purple dragon

Dad: You won't stop my daughter getting initiated turtle

Within a second the father was down and wrapped in tape by no other than Mikey who only dusted off his hands and went out the window, but not without pulling a bird at him before leaving the house getting the information he needed and got back to work.

On the other part you were lightheaded, but felt a hand cup your face turning it from side to side and heard the sound of a question you knew to well from the years.

You: Uncle... Get a life. I'm not ... Joining the family business in ... Being a a Pur-

The hand on your face quickly fastened itself around your neck rather tightly cutting off your circulation. You hands desperately needed for the stranger hand to release your throat only go the sound of chains scratching against each other scrapping your wrist as well in the process.

Hans threw you to the side of the metal bridge y'all were all on having your head off the floor completely and you knew your body was slipping off from out of balance of your body and from the fact your hands were tied you wasn't capable to keep yourself on the bridge.

You: Help HELP!

Hans: Join the Dragons or get your skin peeled off by these acids

That little voice in your head told you to not look down, but you don't even listen to your own voice. You didn't want to join the family tradition of stealing and battling the turtles, but you had no choice now. You closed your eyelids sighing your last breath ready to give your final answer, until you smelt

Mikey: Get away from my pizza, I mean lady!

Hans: oh no you don't, Dragons you know what to do

The order was heard from all the Dragons. Every one of the street rats took out a flat box or two in their hands, Mikey and (y/n) we're confused about the oder they had done.

Hans:Empty the pizza!

PD:Yes sir!

The boxes were relieved to be different types of pizza from all groups: cheesy, meat lover, ultimate, gummy bears and sardines, and even vegetarian pizza. Sliding out of the cozy box they were homed in were slid off leaving cheesy goodness stretching off the pizza, the two screamed in agony watching at the terrible sight out how they wasted the goodness of pizza into the disgusting acidic fluid.

You and Mikey: YOU ANIMALS !!!

Mikey saw you from his spot at one of the doors above you throwing a couple of smoke bombs, swooping down with the help of his nunchucks catching you before you could completely fall trying to save one of the meat lovers pizza that was close to you.

The air was cooling your face off feeling arms embrace you protectively. Smoke bombs were repeatedly dropped to cover you two up getting out as quickly as possible.

Once safe and out of harms reach, Mikey set you down and cut your restraints off swinging your arms around him immediately thanking him with kisses and thanks to him for the rescue.

But at the end both of y'all were a hot mess sitting down on a roof top crying your eyes out. They sat in front of a tombstone they put up made out of a pizza box that said

       A good friend and lover
       We don't know when Jr was made, by loving memories (y/n) and Mikey

You: *sniffles* Mikey

Mikey:*sniffles* I know (y/n)


Rip pizza forever 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

So comments

What I do wrong this time

Was it OK

Are y'all OK?

How was your day?

(Hey that rhymes lol)


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