H&H: Raph

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You: Raph *laughs* stop. It *laughs* I can't breathe

Raph: hmmm.... should I stop.....No, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I did that!

You: *laughs* The one that won't let me pee on myself *laughs harder*

Right now, Raph and you were suppose to chill and do some training, but that did not go as planned. It started by y'all joining each other at your house for a usual date night, leading to you getting lazy out of nowhere to developed a cuddle section. During the section, y'all were in a spooning position (with clothes), you got cold even in  your boyfriends arms and reached for the covers behind him round his feet area. You reached for them and happened to pull at something else when you thought you grabbed them.

....... let's just say turtles have very sensitive little tails

Raph: Never do that again

You: Alright! *dying* alright!

Raph relased you from the tickle fight you obviously  won, as you said in your mind. Your turtle drowned back into his spot on the medium-sized (1f/c) & (2f/c) bed with a groan. This time you layed behind him crawling upon his shoulder and throwing a leg over; almost like a child trying to climb on top of a wall.

You: Raphie?

Raph:  Yes..

You: You got a cute wittle tail though

Raph: You asked for it

Raphael got up letting you fall in your mattress with a flop. You watched as he grabbed something you didn't see before out of his shell.

Watching with anticipation and curiosity, you let the show play.  He strapped the watch-like machine on his wrist and turned it clockwise making him glow green.

To come out as a human

A red headed, green eyed boy

Thats really smexy

And naked

You couldn't peel your eyes off of your new boyfriends figure as he looked at you with the same dumbfounded look.

Raph: Umm. I was suppose to have clothes

His cheeks turned to a blushy tint of red automatically.  You couldn't help but fan-girl inside loving the structure of face, well toned and built body, nice hair style, everything screamed him.

Even that smirk that he was holding on his face, knowing that smirk was up to no good.

You: What?

Raph: Come here (y/n)

Your boyfriend-gonna-go-crazy meter went off making a run for it. Not fast enough to get away from him, picking you up with ease and layed you back on the bed on your back.

Raph: You got to be quicker than that

His five fingered hands were to your sides in seconds going at it again. Yes he done this before millions of times, but this moment was different somehow. Not that you didn't adore it, you were a blushing and squirming mess.

Raph: Say it

You: Say .... what

Raph: Sorry

His new form came with a new voice, raspy, deep, and smokin' hot. The bright, green neon, half-lit eyes were captivating with emotions flowing in them and his dark lust-filled grin was biting gently and attractively on his small lips. Just the sight of him was making you melt.

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