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Nithya's POV :

My mind was battling the inner wars , I don't know what is going to unfold in my life . I know he cares for me but I don't know if he has feelings for me .

I constantly shouted at Arjun for doing this to me . But everytime I shout he made me calm and assured me with peace of mind .

Then when I completed my works I got a call , the ringtone sounded "Enna nan seiven ..." I know it's him but I dare not take it . But finally pulling up my courage as he is calling me for the fourth time now . I picked up .

He asked "Can you come to park now , it's just I want to meet you ! please " , I was confused and a part of me was glad as he still didn't hear those .

I said okie and I informed Arjun and we both started to park . We went there but I'm tensed like hell to what's gonna happen . My brother made me relax . I found someone running towards us , the instant I saw the face I turned to other side as I can't face my man .

Varun's POV :

My day went well , I had no time to rest and when I finally finished my works , I took my phone and called Nithya and asked her to come to Park .

I went there fast but they arrived earlier . I went there rushing but when she saw me she turned to other side , I thought she was still angry on me and I made up my mind to convince her for sure .

I greeted Arjun and then he left saying he will be some where around here . I said him to stay it's not that big of a deal . I insisted so he stayed but leaving us both to be together .

Then I went to her , I sat quietly as I didn't know how to start now . Then I said "Sorry ma , I know sorry is not enough but please speak to me Ra !" . She didn't even budge a little .

[On other side Nithya is shaking in fear as he is near and anything can happen anytime and she felt bad coz he is still apologizing ] .

I again said "Sorry ma " I started but she said "It's not that big deal leave that" but still looking to the opposite side .

"If it's not that big a deal , you can see me or atleast can smile right ?!" I asked her . [There she is still shaking , and thinking how can she face him in this situation and she build up her confidence to ask him ] .

"Did you the hear the voice record , and please don't mistake me , it's just that ..." She said in a go , I asked what voice record and took out my phone .

That's it her face widen and she looked shocked [ She now regrets asking him this , she is in utter shock now , why did she did that she mentally cursed her and started to prepare herself for whatever's gonna happen ] .

I opened my WhatsApp to find an audio from Arjun . I immediately played , only to find someone saying love you with my name . A smile swept over my face . [ Nithya looks confused when she saw Varun smiling when he heard that ] .

I immediately turned to see her face completely in shock . I asked " Who's it ma ! Pavam Ena poi love pandren nu polamburanga , cha Sona accept panika poren !" ( Who's it ma ! Pity her she is loving me and blabbering , if she says I would have accepted it ) .

She looked completely perplexed and I didn't understand what's happening around me and I was about to play it again , she "So you don't recognize that voice huh !" , I stayed quiet and looked at her again .

then came a voice from beside us "It's her voice da stupid " Arjun said and I could feel my girl is glaring at him . So wait wait wait if that's her voice ... Then it means she loves her goddddddd damnnnnn !

I can't believe it , she loves me and I'm out of words to describe it , my love loves me *flying in the clouds and blushing hard and thousands of butterfly is running in my tummy* .

I turned towards her and "you don't recognize my voice huh *sadly*" , I'm still in my own world celebrating what I just got to know , aww now my girl feels sad for not recognizing her voice .

no baby it's just that I can't believe you love me , "I'll believe if you say now and why are you blabbering it in the night when I'm sitting in front of you , now say to me d" , I thought of teasing her and I really wished to hear those words from her .

[ On other side , Nithya is in her own world celebrating that he didn't take it wrong and now he is teasing her so it means he love me , he freaking loves me , I'm dead , my Varu loves me and this is the best feeling I'm having in my life *butterflies all over my body* , I blushed hard hearing him say to say my love to him now .

"Hey turn around and tell me now d " , I asked her chuckling and she is blushing hard I'm loving this I love this totally .

She stood up from her place and started to walk a little and turned around and this is the first time from evening that she is looking me and she is looking me in my eye *I'm out of world and God those eyes they are making me crazy*. She said me to stand up , I hesitantly stood up .

Hey readers,
I hope u all r good ! And doing well
What is ur opinion about the chapter !

After edit :😂😭😂😭😂 I don't have words to say abt this shit guys !!! Complete shit

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