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A/N : sorry for going awol , will update from now . Not proof read .

Preethi and Nithya gelled well and started to hangout more , they become more close and Both Arjun and Varun was happy seeing this as both man had more work to do , so they started spending less time but the girls started to spend more time .

One day Nithya was not at all in good mood cause one of her client was constantly nagging her for another round of Photoshoot , as Client did not have Satisfaction over they previous shoot , after tiring second round of Photoshoot , she thought of getting glimpse of her serotonin ( don't think much it's her man she's thinking about ) .

She immediately rode over to his office , she parked her vehicle and started to walk towards the office , she started thinking of the last days where they were bickering and also saying sweet nothings to each other .

It's been a month since they both got time to meet . Today she was missing him like hell . So she made time to atleast look at him from distance .

She went there and asked whether he is free or not , and much to her dismay he was so busy and to her suprise he is not in office and was travelling to Trichy for some meeting .

Then she took the liberty of asking who accompanied him , as something was nagging her to ask it . When she asked this , the face of the receptionist fell a little , she asked her again .

Nithya POV :

I instantly regret asking that question and was so badly in anger for receiving that answer . Yes he is accompanied by Sakshi , yes the so called obsessive idiot . I suddenly felt very bad hearing that and I needed something to calm me down . I called Arjun , but he was busy with his work .

Then I called Preethi , I asked her if she is free.  She said yes and I asked if she could accompany me for a small outing , she instantly agreed , I told her that I'll pick her up from her office .

I rode there but my full thoughts where about him with Sakshi . Then i picked up Preethi from her office and we decided to go to shopping as I want my piece of mind and I'm clearly frustrated with the events that took place today , something seems so off today and I don't know why .

Preethi was trying her best to keep me occupied but I constantly drifted off to my own wonderland thinking about him . I felt a sharp ting of pain in my leg suddenly and much to dismay I scrambled my muscle , then I quietly went over to sit somewhere and tried to sooth the pain and unscramble it .

I was totally not in place to think more and asked Preethi if we could leave already , she thought something and asked if we could go and eat ice-cream and then leave , though I know her only for little time , she understands me well and now she tried to lift up my mood .

We then went to ice cream parlor and we ordered our favourites . In the mean time I thought about giving a call to varu to know how he is .

I called him but it went to voicemail straight . I tried for another two times and decided to call one last time and the only good thing happened today is he picked up that time I thought to myself .

Nithya : Hey , how are you ? Uhmm r u busy ?

Varun : Yea I'm good and yea I'm kinda busy why did you call so many times , is it emergency !

Nithya  : No I just thought to talk to you and nothing else .

Varun : Are you for real , just to talk,  you called so much . Do you really understand me huh ! I'm in an important meeting and you called that much so I came out for a break to call you ! And you say you called just to talk . You are really irritating me now !

Nithya : Hey chill I'm sorry , I didn't know you were in an important meeting . If you have said so I wouldn't have called you . I'm sorry

( tho I know he is in Trichy I called him and that's my fault I messed up I thought , but something is off its not his usual self , he wouldn't shout for these things at all . What's with him now I thought to myself )

Varun : Don't lie to me I know you checked in my office to know where I went and you know I'm with Sakshi , are you that much insecure .  I thought you are much more mature to handle these . And you clearly know I'm in a meeting and you thought I was roaming with her and decided to check right .

What's with you today . I really am disappointed on you . You always think of you right , why don't you think about me and cut the call and don't call me back don't . You did mess up a big time now and I'm frustrated over your behaviour . whats with you and Sakshi , must stay with you , and it shouldn't reach me .

But you are making it so obvious to me and irritating me .

( He said everything in a go , he was in a meeting and got frustrated over it and misunderstood her call and showed all his anger on Nithya ).

Nithya : ( She couldn't process anything he said , she was just numb and tears started to roll over , she then composed herself )

Varun , I know you went to meeting with Sakshi but I didn't spy on you and I don't need that ever . And don't you dare accuse me for messing up I thought to check with you cause I know you will frustrated with meeting and nothing else .

Get into your head that I'll never suspect you for anything and I have belief in you . And I clearly understand how much you believe me and how much you know me . Thanks for attending the call and letting me know how much I mean to you and how much you know me .

Go to your meeting with no tension , everything happens for good , so do well . Take care bye and I'm not calling you again .

( She said and dropped the call )

She couldn't accept the fact the he accused her of not believing him . She believes him more than she believes herself and anyone and here he is telling her she didn't understand him .

He went without saying , he didn't inform he went with Sakshi but she didn't mind anything and understood sometimes work comes without notice .

But she felt he might need some relaxation during meeting so she called but what she got made her so mad and sad . She just wanted to be alone for sometime .

So she asked Preethi if they could leave . Preethi knew it's not right time to ask anything so she agreed then Nithya dropped her home and went to beach to relax herself and process herself .

She went there and thought everything that happened . She is so much broken by his word that she didn't understand him . She zoned out so much and was staring at the sea with red eyes .


Sorry guys I know I totally went awol for a long time and didn't update . I'll try to update regularly from now on .

I was tested and was kinda checked positive and my mom too . So I was not in good health and mood to write

Please guys stay safe and healthy please don't go out until it is necessary .

I know this chapter is not up to expectations . I'm still not good enough to write well but I promise I'll be back with good writing ( fingers crossed)

Please let me know about this chapter coz I really wanna know how bad this chap is ! Pls be honest with your comments !

Sending everyone who reads this much love and positivity ! ❤️💯 Take care makkaley !

Manichu the author and please please pretty please do vote while you read it means so much to me !

~ Teja ❤️

After edit : nothing to say much ig !

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