Chapter 4

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            I don’t even know how I got here. I was running like a crazy person with no sense of navigation then the next thing I knew I was here. I didn’t think I remembered which path to take to come here but apparently that’s the first place my sub conscience drove me to when I felt my world crumbling down once again. This is where the dreadful day happened.

            To any normal person this is simply the beautiful “Aurora Park”. With its lovely winter flowers lining up every path made up of pure black rocks, grass green as emeralds embracing every inch of empty land, and a crystal blue lake which gave the impression of an aurora when the sun is setting, it was the ideal pace for a fairy tale wedding. A place to fall in love. People loved to have romantic walks in the parks and kiss like there’s nobody next to them under the antic looking bridge. From the look of its cracked cement and crooked piles, the bridge would collapsed at any moment but apparently it was a predetermined design.

            No matter how hard I tried to convince myself, I knew that this was not the reason why I’ve always felt a chill anytime I even catch a glance of this bridge in a picture. It was because of the memories that came with it. The memories of my mother.  It was the place where my perfect little life was turned upside-down.

            I stood there, staring at the giant mocking bridge which is tempting me to take another step towards. I took half of a step before stopping in my track. A strangely familiar shadow was leaning on my nightmare but I couldn’t detect whose it was. He was well hiding by a bush.

            After what seemed like ages, a face appeared behind the bush scanning the park. He froze when his eyes locked with mine.

            Great, that creepy guy again. Is he stalking me now?

            “You again!” I started in his directions but he was already long gone by the time I got there.

            Weird! What the hell is his…? My mind completely shut down once I realized where I was. The idiot had lured me into hell. Sweat started to drip from my forehead, I fist my damp palms next to me. My heart was hammering in my chest, I’ve never heard it beat so loud. I was aware of people giving me strange looks as they passed by. None of them knew the battle I was having right now with my brain. Should I run or wait to face the pain?

            I knew I should probably have stayed and just get it over with but I wasn’t ready for that just like I wasn’t ready for it twelve years ago. I ran out of there as fast I could without looking back. I didn’t bother to excuse myself to anybody, I sprint the entire way back home shoving everybody in my way.

            It wasn’t until I was turning my key in the lock that it hit me. I didn’t want to be here either. My home was no longer a safe heaven. If I went inside, I would have to face another painful memory. I’ve had enough of difficult reminiscence for today. But where else can I go?

            A vibration in my hoodie’s pocket put my thoughts to a halt. I retrieved my phone and answered it without looking at the caller ID.


            “Thank God, you’re still alive,” Roxie’s voice interrupted me.

            “You were expecting me to be dead? I thought we were best friends.” I feigned hurt.

            “Well, you’re not in school.” She said as if that explained everything.

            School! That’s what I forgot to do.

            “So what? I can miss a day of school.”  I countered even though I knew she wouldn’t buy it. “Skipping is healthy sometimes.” I kept digging myself into the hole.

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