Chapter 6

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That probably wasn’t my smartest idea. The streets were completely empty and every five seconds I could hear some weird noise that made my heart skipped a beat. I was constantly looking over my shoulders. I knew there was nobody following me but I was still paranoid. My house was only ten minutes from here, if I ran I could make it in six but I was too afraid to move my legs any faster. I felt something holding me back or was it someone?

My heart went into a frenzy when I saw the shadow of a man behind me. It was dark so I couldn’t see his face but I knew he was taller and stronger than me. He appeared to be wearing a hoodie over his head. His steps were light, I couldn’t even hear them. If I didn’t look over my shoulders I could never have guessed that there was someone behind me.

I tighten my own hoodie on my body then turned left. When he did the same, I immediately took my phone out of my pockets. I was trying to dial 911 but my fingers were also against me. I kept on pressing the wrong button. When I finally dialed the right number my heart was ready to pop out of my chest.

“911, what’s your emergency?” responded the operator.

I made a horrible mistake which could have very well cost me my life. I looked over my shoulder and before I knew it I was on the floor, face against the cold pavement. I briefly looked behind me and I saw the man just a couple steps away from me. His posture kind of reminded me of someone but I was not about to stay here to find out. I swiftly got on my feet and ran for my life.

“Hey, wait up,” said the guy behind me. He was catching up with me. I could hear how close his voice was. “Nicole, wait.”

He knew my name. How did he know my name? My curious side was begging me to stop to find out but my other side was having none of it. My curiosity rationalized that the man’s posture did look familiar and he knew my name perhaps he did know me. However, before I could think it over. A hand gripped my elbow and I screamed my lungs out. I closed my eyes tightly and screamed some more. I think I had a full thirty seconds of screaming before I reached inside my pockets and sprayed the guy straight in the face without even looking. Then, I ran.

I didn’t look behind me this time. I’ve learned my lesson so I just kept on running while looking straight ahead. Since the universe seemed to be against me tonight, I tripped on my own two feet and fell, again. This time I knew I was screwed.

“What’s going on out here?” demanded someone coming out of a corner. A bright light flashed in my eyes making them burn. I covered my eyes with me hands. “Are you alright, miss?” asked the man that now I can see was wearing a police uniform.

“Someone’s following me.” I didn’t recognize my voice. It was trembling and filled with fear. The officer turned around to look at the direction I came from. The man was still there but he wasn’t moving. He seemed frozen in the middle of the road.

“Hey you, come here,” called out the officer but the man chose to run instead of following his orders.

“Ughh, why do they always run?” I heard him mutter under his breath before running after my stalker. “Stop running. That’s an order.”

I heard their footsteps still running a few seconds later before a loud groan echoed in the air.

“Why did you run then?” questioned the police office.

“Because a dumb ass cop was chasing me, obviously.” The guy was frantically wiggling trying to get out of the handcuffs.

As they approached me, I tried to make out his face. He had a boyish face with overgrown eyebrows as dark as his hair. His pink full lips were set into an arrogant grimace. Wait a minute, I know him. It was the creepy stalker from school.

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