Chapter 16

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“Nikkie, what are you doing here?” Ken’s husky voice echoed around me.

I felt like fallen, everything in the room was spinning around me. Something was tiptoeing inside my entire body, and slowly crawling pass my stomach causing it to rumble violently. I heard my name being called from someone faraway but I couldn’t figure out who it was. As my chest became unbearably full I knew I was going to vomit. I frantically tried to run to the trash can but I didn’t make it. I threw up all the contents of my stomach on Ken’s carpet.

I stood there with my head in the palms of my hands trying to catch my breath. A warm hand was at my shoulder, “Nikkie, are you okay?” asked Ken behind me. His voice had a hint of worry in it but I didn’t care.

“Get the hell away from?” I growled at him as I smacked his hand away from me. “How could you do this to me? I thought you loved. I thought you were going to wait for me. How could you do this today of all days?”

“I’m sor…”

“Shut it McCall. I have had enough sorry today” he moved back from me and that’s when I finally got a good look at her.

She was sitting at the edge of the bed, ready to make her escape out of the door. Yet, she hadn’t put her clothes back on, her nakedness was covered by a thin white sheet. Her eyes were everywhere but at me. Why did that have to happen?

“How could you?” I asked her, my voice so small that it surprised me that she heard me.

She turned her eyes to me but it wasn’t what I expected to see. It wasn’t the eyes of my best friend looking back at me. It was the ones of someone who have been to hell and back. Her broken spirit was visible through her eyes. I temporarily soften but I also cached a glimpse of pure hatred on them. I had the impression that I broke my best friend but I couldn’t figure out how.

“You killed him.” Neither her glare nor her voice faltered but I had a problem understanding what she was saying.


“You killed dad.”

“What the hell are you talking about? And what does my dad’s death has to do with you sleeping with my boyfriend.”

“Now, he’s just Your dad. You think You’re the only one who had to suffer.” She walked up to me, “He was my dad too. I actually thought we were sisters but I guess I was wrong.”

“So now I’m the one to blame? I’m not the one lying in bed with somebody else’s boyfriend.”

A sinister laugh came out of her, “boyfriend. You were always so naïve, you actually thought he was your boyfriend. He was probably banging half the school behind your back. He jumped so fast at the opportunity when I told him I wanted to sleep with him. You should have put out little sister but like always you were trying to be a saint. You’ve always thought you were better than everybody else even me. Boohoo your mom died when you were six. But at least she cared about you. My parents don’t give a danm about me. My father abandoned us and my mother made me her personal free maid ever since. I had to take care of three little brothers while staying on top of my school work and extracurricular activities. What have you ever done? Nothing.”

Anger was building inside me but I didn’t know how to unleash it. My face was burning hot with rage. I felt it cooled down with my tears, I desperately tried to stop them but they flowed even more.

“The only thing anybody ever asked of you was for you to stay home and take care of dad but you couldn’t do that. Little miss perfect had to achieve her selfish dream of going to school far away from home. You know I proposed to stay with him after you told me he had leukemia but you know what he told me. He said “no Roxie you have to go make something of yourself. I don’t need someone to babysit me.” Bullshit. He obviously needed you; why else would he fake a disease to make you stay with him? But you just had to have it your way. Look where your selfishness brought you. Now, you’re just a scared lonely little girl crying over her cheating little boyfriend who never gave a crap about her.”

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