Chapter 18

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I forgot sleep felt so good. Why haven’t I gotten any for the past weeks? It was so peacefully to be able to break away from all the worries growing up brought along. I was able to be whoever I wanted to be and go everywhere I wanted to. That’s why I was annoyed when someone was shaking me out of my dream world. Slowly I was back to the real world filled with pain, betrayal, and death. I groaned and slapped the hand away. I wanted to go back to oblivion.

“Nikkie, get your ass up. Somebody’s coming” I jumped at the sound of Jake’s voice. Unfortunately, he stood too close to me so I bumped by forehead into his as I got up.


“Shhh now’s not the time to be a big baby. Unless you want to get arrested, we need to get out of here now.” He pressed on as his fingers wrapped around my wrists pulling me to him. With our heads down, we swiftly slipped out of the arena without being noticed. We hopped in the car and quickly drove away.

Adrenalin was still pulsing through my veins as the car gained distance from the arena. I’ve never done anything so risky in my entire life.  A huge grin plastered on my face as I savor the glorious moment. I wanted more of that. I’ve always made the safe choice, now that life had screwed me over in every way imaginable, it was highly time for me to change. Maybe that was what it has been telling me all that time. The path I had planned for me was not the one it chose for me.

“You alright there?” Jake squeezed my bringing me back to the present.

I grinned at him, “Never been better.”

“Ready for our little cooking mishaps, don’t worry I know where to get all of the ingredients and everything is going to be fine. Just like we discussed last night.” He sounded excited but I had no idea why.

I tried to remember what we discussed last night but I hit a brick wall. I remembered a brief conversation about revenge but I couldn’t remember what it was. What did we plan?

“You don’t have to do anything, just wait to be amazed.”

The question was on the tip of my tongue but for some reason I was having a hard time asking it. I didn’t want to know the plan. What if we planned to kill my ex-boyfriend? Did I really want him dead? No, that was outrageous. He was just being a horny teenage boy, he certainly didn’t deserve to die for that.

I wasn’t going to ask, I trusted Jake. Did I trusted Jake? Not really, but I trusted myself not to plan somebody’s assassination no matter how hurt or drunk I was.

As the adrenalin began to wear out, the infamous effect of my abuse of alcohol last night began to flow throughout my body. My head felt heavy, and my stomach turned at the smell of leather. I gently massaged my temples hoping to lessen the headache but it was futile.

“Just take some aspirins and you’ll be find.” He said pulling up in front of my house.

I peeked out the window to make sure that all of my unwanted guests were gone. As expected, Jill’s truck was still parked outside.

“I’ll see you in school then.” His voice was gloomy. I wondered why, I’ve already grown accustomed to his smile.

“Yeah,” I replied. I suppressed the urge to make him smile, turn his frown upside down. As I opened the door I remembered something, “How did you know where I live?” I was a little freaked out that boys seemed to know where I lived even when I’ve never talked to them before.

“I live two blocks away from you.”

“Oh.” Now I felt bad.

“That’s where I was going the night some crazy girl called the cops on me” He teased.

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