Chapter 8

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“I think you should ask him out?” Roxie deducted from the detailed narration about my meeting with Ken that she squeezed out of me when I took my driving test. She didn’t even feel ecstatic for my accomplishment just about the fact that I spoke to that jerk once.

“I only spoke to him once in my entire life,” I opposed.

“So?” She asked as if I was missing a huge piece of the equation, “that’s more than most girls he ever went out with.”

“Ken doesn’t go out with anybody. He simply sleep with them then disregard them like trash.” I reminded her.

“Come on, Nikkie,” she whined, “at least try.”

“Why? Why? Give me one big reason why I should ask out the biggest jerk I’ve ever met.” I demanded with my hands on my hips. I knew someone else who was running quite close for the jerkiest person category.

“Because you need a little change in your life. You can’t sit there and mop around for the entire year. I know you’re very stress right now about the situation with your dad but it will be oaky. Besides, your father would be ecstatic to see his little girl happy before…” She instantly stopped when she realized where her words were leading her.

“Why him? Why can’t it be somebody else?” I decided to not let the subject settle on my father’s illness and judging by the grateful look Roxie gave me, I could guess that was not something she wanted to talk about either.

“Because he’s the only boy who…” she trailed off uncomfortably.

“Who what? He’s the only boy who has ever taken an interest in me.” I finished for her.

“Well, is there?” she asked me.

“Is there what Roxie” I sighed. I was getting tired of this conversation. I had better things to do than to discuss who likes who.

“Don’t be coy Nikkie. Is there another boy?” she scowled.

“Of course not, but…” I attempted to justify my reluctance but she was not having none of it.

“Then it’s settled you’re going to ask Ken McCall out.” She said leaving no room for objections. I groaned my frustration at her but she didn’t budge. “Come on, my brothers are coming soon. I need to have food ready or they will make a feast out of us.”

I followed her silently toward the kitchen. I heard the front door open as we passed the living room. I waved at Kyle as he entered.

“Hi, Kyle,” I smiled at him. His head swiftly rose up when he heard my voice. He blushed scarlet as his eyes met mine.

“H-hi!” he stuttered. He rushed to his room bumping into some furniture on his way up.

Weird. I went to find Roxie in the kitchen, “What did you tell your brother about me?” I asked while getting the chicken out of the fridge.

“Nothing, why?” She was cleaning the countertop to chop the vegetables.

“He’s been acting weird lately.” I explained

“He’s my little brother. When has he not been acting weird?” She reminded me.

“Point taken,” I smiled at her then went back to cooking. I was overthinking this. These past few days have drawn out every dramatic bones in my body. Until a week ago, I thought I didn’t have any. I needed to follow Roxie’s suggestion; I can’t spend my senior year in the shadow like all of my previous years of high school even though it sounded extremely tempting.

I called my dad to tell him that I was staying at Roxie’s house for dinner so he could reheat the leftovers from last night. That’s the dinner he would have eaten even if I was there. I could hear the disappointment in his voice before I hang up. I knew he was hoping to discuss further our little talk from this morning but I was not ready to go in depth with my new life.

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