the rabbit and the Saint

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It was a normal morning at Beacon, birds were chirping, students were walking up, and teams Schnee, RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY were eating breakfast in the cafeteria. Its been 2 weeks since Y/N helped Velvet, and those two have gotten pretty close.

Yatsu: so you three are immortal warriors who save the universe from darkness?

Y/N: basically, and seeing how remnant is crawling with it, we'll be here for a while.

Ruby: that's good, maybe you two and Weiss will make up and be a family again.

Y/N & Whitley: doubt it.

Yang: come on, she's bad, but no-

The doors slam open to reveal a largely built man in heavy armor.


Y/N: Saint?!?! What are you doing here?

Saint-14: I was talking to Zavala, and he told me about your mission. I was bored at the tower and decided to come here and bring my trials setup here as well.

Whitley: i am both confused and shocked at the same time.

Ren: who is this?

Y/N: this is Saint-14, the greatest titan who ever lived. He died in another timeline, but me and Whitley went back in time to save him.

Ruby: why does he have a number after his name?

Y/N: all exos have numbers after their names.

Blake: what's an exo?

Saint-14: little girl, you've never seen an exo?

Blake shakes her head. Saint then takes off his helmet to reveal his face.

 Saint then takes off his helmet to reveal his face

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(Ignore that ugly ass chestpiece)

Ruby: gyaaaaaa!!! He's a robot!!

Y/N: duh, he's an exo. An exo is a robotic person with a human consciousness.

Coco: and that's normal to you?

Whitley: yeah, we've seen weirder.

Saint-14: it is nice to meet you all, friends of Y/N.

Yang: uh, sup.

Saint-14: (putting helmet back on) this must be very strange for all of you, but i assure you, i am here as a friend.

Ozpin(intercom): team Schnee, please report to my office please.

Y/N: c'mon guys, he probably wants to know about this.

Saint-14: where are we going?

Crow: to see the headmaster, he's in charge of this place.

The 4 guardians walk to the elevator to Ozpin's office, with Saint humming the elevator music. The door opens to reveal Goodwitch and Ozpin standing at his desk.

Y/N: i can assume what this is about, yes, Saint is with us and will be on our team.

Ozpin: hmm, while those are things i wanted to discuss, I'm more focused on the spaceship in my courtyard.

Y/N: what spaceship?


Y/N: oh, THAT spaceship.

There it is, Saint-14's ship, landed right in the middle of the courtyard, leaving little room for anything else, behind it is a crate full of trials equipment.

Y/N: Saint, what is this?

Saint-14: my pigeon.

Y/N: i understand that, but why is it here?

Saint-14: so i could land, and come find you.

Y/N: I-we-uh, you can, you- I'm gonna let this slide solely because i don't want to have to deal with it.

Glynda: so we're gonna leave it here!?

Y/N: this ship is vanguard property, and as hunter vanguard, i say this ship is not to move from this spot unless by my direct order.

Ozpin: well, there's nothing we can do then, come Glynda, we have work to do.

Y/N: Saint, get the trials set up, and activate redjacks to guard the equipment.

Saint-14: got it, but what about giving guardians their trails rewards?

Y/N: just set up a maintenance frame at the tower to hand out that stuff. I'm gonna go to the dorm for a while.

Saint-14: farewell for now friend Y/N.


I'm walking to my dorm after that 'thing' just happened. I turn the corner to see Velvet standing at my dorms door.

Y/N: something you need Velvet?

She looked my way and her face became red, and she was holding something behind her back.

Velvet: hey Y/N, coco gave me two tickets to a movie, wanna see it with me?

Y/N: yeah, why not? I haven't been able to see one before.

Velvet: great! I'll see you at 7pm tomorrow, don't be late.

Y/N: got it, see you then.

Velvet the turned around and skipped off around the corner. Symon then came out of my "backpack", something he rarely does and zoomed in my face.

Symon: you, my dense friend, got yourself a date.

Y/N: you've gotten alot more smug after we got our light back, and yes, I've been invited to the movies with Velvet tomorrow.

Symon: ooohh, I've been cheering this on the whole time, what are you gonna wear?

Y/N: i don't know, and get back in my backpack, i don't need a door opener floating around me.

Symon: ouch, I'll remember that insult. Fine, you win, but don't upset that girl, she's the nicest thing to happen to you.

Y/N: i won't, don't worry.

I then walk into the dorm, look over hunter reports from the tower, work on homework, and finally lay in bed and fall asleep thinking about my date with Velvet tomorrow.

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