The date

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Sorry this took so long guys, I've been busy grinding my games and I've just been tired lately, plus finishing school so this chapter might not be my best so I'm sorry in advance for the wait and quality. But thank you all so much for continuing to read this story, this means quite a bit to me.


Today is the day i go on a date with Velvet, and I'm pretty nervous, not so much the date itself, but clothes, my worst enemy. My only clothes are my school uniform and my vanguard dare armor, neither of which belong on a date, so i decided to go to someone with class.

*knock knock*

Weiss: who in the world is knocking on our door so ear-- oh, Y/N! What are you doing here?

Y/N: you know how to dress on a date right?

Weiss: of course i do, that's common knowledge. Wait, are you going on a date?!?

Y/N: are you going to help me or not?

Weiss: give me a minute.

She closed the door and 4 minutes walked out in a dress.

Weiss: ready.

Y/N: good, let's go.

We walk towards a bullhead and board it.


The bullhead touched down and me and Weiss went into a clothing store.

Weiss: so, who's your date?

Y/N: Velvet why?

Weiss: oh, Y/N, father won't approve that at all, what were you thinking?

Y/N: if 'father' were to say anything, I'd bust a couple rounds into his kneecaps.

Weiss: there's nothing i can do to stop you, so, where are you going with Velvet?

Y/N: the movies at 7 tonight, so something casual would be fine right?

Weiss: you don't have casual clothes?

Y/N: Weiss, i don't have time to buy casual clothes when i spend all my time shooting aliens and attending meetings blah blah blah.

Weiss: good point, and something casual but not too casual would be fine for a movie date.

Y/N: ok, i'll leave that to you then.

We buy a casual dark blue shirt with jeans, some decent shoes, and a hat with a beacon logo, we take the bags and go back to beacon where Ruby, Blake and Yang were waiting for Weiss. I hurried to my dorm, took a shower and got dressed for the date today.

*2 hours later*

Knock Knock

Y/N: who is it?

Velvet: it's me.

Y/N: oh, hey Velvet, ready to go?

Velvet: as ready as I'll ever be!

Y/N: ok, let's go.

Velvet: you look good today.

Y/N: and you look absolutely dazzling.
(Top image is Velvets dress)

Velvet: *blushes* T-thank you Y/N.

Y/N: *blushes* N-no problem.

And so me and Velvet left for the movies, it was a 4 hour romance movie that bored me but Velvet seemed into it. She then told me she made reservations at a restaurant nearby, and i gotta say, this place is fancy.

Employee: Welcome to lé spong, how may i help you?

Velvet: reservation for 2 under please.

Employee: right this way ma'am.

The employee guided us to our table, which has a window view. I ordered f/f and f/d, and Velvet ordered a salad and some tea.

Y/N: so Velvet, why did you want to become a huntress?

Velvet: well, faunus violence is on the rise lately, so i thought if i became a huntress, the world would see not all faunus are bad. What about you?

Y/N: me? Well i never wanted to be a huntsman, when i was taken to the Tower, i was offered to be something more than i was, and after all these years, all the loss, i never regret saying yes. This, me being here is an assignment from the city, it isn't as bad as i thought it would be, plus, how bad can it be?

Velvet: well, i think its good you found something to fight for, that's something not everyone has.

Y/N: thanks Velvet, you've been really kind to me these past few weeks.

Velvet: Well, it's only natural to be kind to the person you love, so Y/N, will you go out with me?

Y/N: i love you too Velvet.

She smiles and puts her lips against mine, both of us enjoying the moment.

Symon: get a room.

The moment passed.

Y/N: Remind me why you're here again?

Symon: *gasps* in the years we've been together you want privacy NOW?

Y/N: yes, now go turn a doorknob or something.

Symon: ouch, okay, but if you die it's not my fault

Y/N: dude, i'm on a date, i won't die.

Symon: fine, i'm gonna see what's going on back home.

Y/N: alright, let me know what you find later.

Symon nods and goes back into my backpack, i turn to Velvet.

Y/N: where were we?

Velvet: i think my new boyfriend was gonna take me back to my dorm.

Y/N: sounds perfect.

With that i walk Velvet back to Beacon, taking her back to her dorm before walking into mine going to sleep, ignoring everyone else.


Dredgen Coin watching the new rwby chibi and realizing he destroyed the coco x velvet ship.

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