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Angel's head turns towards me.

After he realised it was nothing that concerned him, he went back to walking around the room.

"So they know each other?"
Now I know for sure. I need to find Sato's family. Whatever it fucking takes.

I look at the time. It's pretty late and I need to drop Anastasia at Liams tomorrow.

I groan and try to go to sleep. I can't.
I hate to admit it but...I'm scared.

I don't want to be choked again. The feeling it gave me will never leave me and I don't want to experience it again. I'm scared.

"Don't be."
"Please don't hurt me!"

I quickly say at the voice behind my back while covering myself with the bed sheets.

He sounds...normal?
Aziel's broad hand lifts the sheets, trying to take a look at my face. I avoid his gaze.

Until he lays next to me.
"I'm so sorry..." his voice sounds guilty like a little kid that's about to break down because it didn't get its lolly pop.

I gulp.
"You're not going to kill me now, are you?"
"Turn around and you'll get your answer."

I really, really hesitate before turning to him. Both of us facing each other while laying down.

"There you go.."
I understand what he meant. His eyes are hazel.

"I think...I figured it out."

I lift my hand to caress his hair.
"When your eyes are red, you're angry, when your eyes flash white, you're mean and when your flash hazel, you' this."

I admit, smiling at the last part. Continuing with:
"I like 'like this'" Aziel smiles as he holds my hand.

"I..I'm really sorry. I-I would never do that."

I shake my head, the pillow making a sound.
"I know....It's just separate you from the other kinds of Aziels"

I say, chuckling. Him joining me after.
"I get that...Go to sleep, I can see you're tired"

I do as he says and I fall asleep. In the demons arms as he caresses my hair.

Next morning

"Okay Anastasia, be a good girl, have fun and I'll pick you up soon, alright?"
I say while crouching down to her.

Standing in front of their house. The house I am pretty familiar with. She nods at my orders and I stand up to ring the bell.

Little Liam opens up.
"Hi Liam!!" Ana goes in to hug him.

They're so cute.
I just hope he's not like his brother.

"Ana, say goodbye to Angel!" Ana comes back to pet my puppy as I look at little Liam.
Ordering him too.

"Take care of her but have fun. If I see a single scratch on her...I'll kill you, got it?"
Liam quickly nods with a smile and I ruffle his pitch black hair.

I step away as I see them still greeting each other.

"Was that really necessary? The poor guy.."
Aziel informs as he's now next to me.

"Look, he's smiling. He's perfectly fine."
Aziel's head turns to me.

"He's smiling because he's terrified."
I tilt my head.
"A smile is a smile. Come on, let's go."

I wrap my arm around his and we both walk.
Where to? No idea...
"Are you in a bad mood?"

I rest my head on his shoulder.
"Just a question."

I unwrap my arms and turn to be in front of him with crossed arms.
"If you think I am...say something positive."

He thinks for a bit but soon says:
"Your dad will die soon."
A smile comes up my face as I intertwine our arms again.

"Good enough.."

At the house

I enter the mansion and my eyes travel to the right. Rey's gift is still there. On the ground.

Nobody touched it. Guess I have to now.

I forcefully pick it up and run to my room to put it on my desk. Countering Aziel and Angel on the bed. Aziel's a big fan of Angel.

"What's that?"
"Stupid gift Rey gave me on my birthday."

"Ah...are you going to open it?"
I simply stare at the box. Scared to open it for some reason.

The noise of fumbling on the bed followed by footsteps come to my ears. Soon two hands are on my shoulders. I flinch.

Thinking he's going to choke me again.
"I'm sorry.."

I put my hands on his ones on my tensed shoulders. Reassuring him it's fine.
"Open it."

I untie the bow on the box and continue to lift the upper part of it. Revealing a book.

More like an album. A photo album.

I scan through the pages that are filled with pictures of the both of us with every memory written on it clearly.

I close it with a thud. That motherfucker.
"Aziel...can you give me that cig over there?"

The guy gives me it with no questions asked as I look at it.


And with Aziel by my side, I smoked it.
Forgetting Rey and welcoming Aziel.

If there are any mistakes, kindly point them out and I'll correct them🤍

vote and comment if you can!!

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