It's you

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Cue music!!

"Nova! Are you alright there dear?" His mom screams. I struggle to answer while breaking open this stupid leather chest.

"Yeah! Be down in a sec!"

The chest forcefully opens and I dig into it. Filled with stupid letters and pictures that don't interest me or my curiosity.

I'm more than halfway through when my arms start to go numb and I still haven't found shit yet.

All this...for nothing.

I take out one more picture and see it.
The Sato family. Arata Sato, Chiharu Sato, their daughter and...

The little boy.

The same little boy that was seen in the audience in that theatre that day. It's him.

I examine it but nothing else comes out. I keep on digging. Until I find it. My eyes widen in horror. No...this can't be. This drawing...

Is is the one from my dream?

The one that girl was drawing. Could it be?
Was it him all this time? I don't understand.

The thin paper shakes in my hand. He looks so much like-


I stand up with shaky legs. The paper drops in the process. Now the back of the drawing faces me. There's something written on it.

Like a letter.

I ignore her calls. This is important. More than important to me than her finding me here.

My still shaking hands try to hold the paper still. My knees sink to the ground and I try to breathe normally.

This is what it says:

If anyone is reading this...

Hello. My name is Akira Sato.
You may not be familiar with me. No one is. People say I'm cursed. Obviously. How could I explain to them that I have an awful looking demon following my every move? Making me go crazy? They say I'm crazy. But I'm not. I know I'm not. And my lover proved this to me. I'm a shame to my family so they locked me up in this mansion they called my new home. My condition worsened and people started seeing me as a monster. All my maids deserted me and left me here to rot, alone. They erased my existence. Crossed out all of my paintings. All of my photographs. Tainted with water. This is the only thing I have left of myself. If you see this...say my name. I'll be waiting here in this mansion for the person that truly understands me. Save her. My Nova. Please. These are my last words and wishes to humanity. May we meet again someday. Peacefully. Where I'll be happy...


By now, my cheeks are stained with salty tears. This person feels so sad. So much like me.
So much like...


This is Aziel's story. He was a normal person like me. He lost his battle. So now he's helping me to win mine. And he doesn't even know.

I can't even imagine what he went through. With this drawing...I'm certain it's him.

The features and everything. Aziel.

I can't believe that the answer I've been looking for was right in front of me. How can I ever look at him the same way?

His story is heartbreaking. It's far worse than mine. I'm sure he wanted to say more.

But he was dying. He didn't have the time.

Stupid fucking demon. How could you do this to him? Stupid fucking family. Thinking he's cursed? Help him! You should've helped him!

I want to scream and shout. But not here.

I stand up. The paper not leaving my red hands.

My knees keep on breaking down while returning back to the bedroom.


Rey is shocked at my ugly crying face. I never cry. But this goes beyond what I ever imagined.

He sees me looking weak and helps me up. I stutter with my words but manage to let out a:

"I'm sorry.."

And run out of the house. To the penthouse. My vision is blurry because of the endless tears. Thank god my building is not far away.

I forget I have asthma and keep on going. The ugly words keep going through my head and make me run faster.

Until suddenly I'm at the balcony.
On the 7th floor.

I shake. I don't know what to think.
Is he real? Is he a hallucination?

As for that man you're seeing- I love your bracelet!- it's weird but in your case it helps you- Do you have a boyfriend?- schizophrenia-


I turn around. The man I love so dearly suddenly breaks my heart. Two bags in his hands. "I bought snacks?"

The tears get heavier and he doesn't understand. But I do. And I can't handle it.

"It's you."

"Nova? What are you doing?"
I walk afterwards to get closer to the railing stopping me from falling.

"I'm sorry. This is the only way."

I push myself off the building and the last view I see is Aziel letting the bags fall and running towards me with a horrifying expression on his face.

The feeling of nothing under me is scary yet so calming. Now I understand why falling looks so peaceful. I feel peaceful.

I really want to close my eyes.

Enjoying the feeling of slowly roaming through the air. But when Aziel's body is falling right above mine. I can't.

His hand is stretched out to me.

The falling seems like it's going on forever. The intense stares we're sharing is filled with last words we want to tell each other.

His eyes look hopeful but I can't help but see the worry that overthrows the good emotion.

His tears are falling but I can't feel them. He's too far away. Aziel screams my name.

The pain in his voice will haunt me forever. He doesn't give up. He keeps on trying to get closer to me. I smile at him.

I didn't know it could be possible but...

Big black wings come out of his back. Aziel finally starts getting close by moving the sudden feathered objects. He seems relieved.

I'm not.

One inch. Only one inch away. He keeps on telling me to hold on, to not leave him. To stay.
My only response is:

"I love you, Akira."

And it was too late.


But then again...every end is a beginning.

His blurred eyesWhere stories live. Discover now