Moving Day

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I fold the four corners of the box over, taping it shut. There, the bathroom is packed up.

I grab another box from the hallway, making my way into my room. First I'll start with the vanity.

I grab my makeup holder, putting that in, then doing the same to my hair products.

I go threw my drawers, throwing stuff in the get rid of pile, the donate pile, and the keep pile.

"Keep." I say grabbing my old music box. My mom got it for me, for my birthday, when I was 15. It is a pink castle, with flower details on the side.

I grab out an old leather book. My brows furrow, what is this? I unknot the string surrounding the book, it falling right open.

The first thing I see is a picture. Of me.

I look about 7. But I'm not alone, nope, I am with 3 girls and 2 boys.

I smile, taking the photo out of the slip, looking at the back.

Elysia, Ethan, Samantha, Kyleigh, Jo, and Jake.

Happy birthday, babygirl.

It's in my mother's hand writing. I smile, putting the picture back in the photo book. I turn to another page, seeing a little Kai kissing my cheek, me smiling like crazy.

That was the day before I left, not seeing him again, until now. I was so mad at my parents, I didn't want to leave, but they made me. I didn't even get to say goodbye to Kai, since his dad was busy with him.

If you know what I mean.


I drive to the address Kai sent me. I soon arrive, grabbing the boxes out of my car.

Kai walks out the front door, walking over to me. "Need any help?"

"Yeah, you can grab the other two boxes." I walk to the house, taking in the surroundings. It looks a lot like Kai's family's old house, but more modern.

I open the door, kicking it closed, right in front of Kai's face. "Ouch." He mutters through the door.

"Oops." I laugh a little, opening the door for him.

"You meant to do that." He says, shooting me a glare.

"Guilty." I look around, my eyes fallowing the stairs to the second floor. "Where's my room?"

"You can choose any room you would like, just not the first one on the left." He says, setting my boxes down.

I nod, walking up the stairs. I walk past, what I think is his room, into the one next to it.

It was a decent sized room. White walls, with blue trim work, a small closet, as well as a window.

I step out of the room, moving to the one across the wall. It was about the same size, with light pink walls, a closet, and 2 windows.

I move to the next room. This one was a little larger than the others. It was a white room, grey carpeting, a large closet, two windows, and a bathroom.

I decide to take this room.

I place my boxes on the ground, going back down the stairs. I grab the other boxes, bringing them to the room.

"Hey Kai, could you help me with my bed and vanity?" I ask, walking into the kitchen, to see him checking the fridge.

"Uh- sure." He closes the fridge, walking past me, out the house. "I'll take care of the bed stuff. Youcan grab the vanity, since, you know the super strength and everything."

I laugh and nod.

After getting everything situated in my room, I lay on my bed, deciding to text Ethan.

Elysia: coke on Ethan, text me back.

I sigh, turning off my phone.

I decide to go grab a snack, since I haven't had any blood for a while, and I am starting to go crazy.

I hop of the bed, making my way down the stairs. I grab my keys, only to be stopped by Kai. "Where are you going?"

"To grab a bite." I reply, not letting him respond back as I close the door.

I wonder into the woods, realizing I may not have needed my keys. People usually jog around these woods.

I soon find a blonde haired lady jogging along the forest line. I make my way towards her.

"Hey, could I use your phone, I lost mine?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." She says, handing me her phone.

I look her straight in the eyes. "Don't scream, don't run." I compel. The girl nods slowly, staying in her place. Her body face looks calm, but her eyes don't say the same.

I naive the hair from her neck, leaning in slowly. I inhale deeply, smelling the sweet sent of her blood. O-positive, always the best tasting blood.

I feel a slight pinch on my gums, and a tingly feeling under my eyes. I never did like my vampire face.

Not being able to wait a minute longer, I latch my mouth onto the girls neck. The metallic substance rushing down my throat quickly.

I moan in satisfaction, digging my fangs further into her skin.

I must have been very hungry, because the next thing I know, her head disconnects from her body, falling to the ground.

I take a step away from the corpse, breathing heavily. I have always been a ripper, sometimes I could control it, but this was not one of those times.

I sigh, picking her body up, as well as her head. I walk towards the swamp, that is located in the middle of the forest, throwing the girls corpse in.

I watch her sink under the water, her eyes still being opened, them holding a terrified look.

I wipe the blood from my mouth, walking away from the swamp. I walk back to the house, casually walking past Kai, making my way into the backyard.

I walk around the garden, looking at all the plants. I take a seat on the bench, that is located in the middle of the yard.

There's a garden, pool, deck, and fire pit.

Kai walks through the glass doors, making his way over to me. "It's beautiful isn't it?"

I nod, not taking my eyes off the fountain in front of me.

"Are you all settled in?" He takes a seat next to me.

I nod. "I have a little more unpacking to do, but I am mostly done."

He nods. "Care to explain why you're covered in blood?"

"Huh?" I furrow my brows, turning to him.

He licks his thumb, bringing it to the tip of my nose. "You got a little something." He wipes his thumb over my nose, soon pulling away. "There."

"Thanks." I mumble. "Like I said, I went out for a bite."

"Bite as in-?"

"Yes. That kind of bite."

He nods, turning to look at the fountain.

"How'd you come up with this design? I've never seen it before." I ask, curiosity taking over,

"Well-" he starts. "The birds are to represent freedom. The way the water drips down is calming, and the roses were my mother's favorite." He pauses for a minute. "They were also your favorite."

I smiled. He remembered my favorite flower.

Yes these past couple chapters have been quite boring, but the next few chapters should be more entertaining!

Have a good day/night!

Arrangement || Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now