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It's been a while since Kai and I made our deal. We have not brought home each other's companions, nor told anyone about the affair.

Tonight, we will be meeting each other's, partners. My guy is obvious, but I have no clue who his other girl is. Kayla seems sweet, I have spoken to her once or twice since originally meeting her.

I set the plates and silverware on the table, while Kai finishes cooking the ham and mashed potatoes.

I grab the cups and wine glasses, setting those on the table as well.

"Is the food done yet?" I walk into the kitchen, trying to get a peak at the food.

"Almost." Kai reply's, adding a pinch of salt to the potatoes. He hands me the pot, "could you put that in a bowl?"

I nod and grab a bowl, scooping the mashed potatoes into it.

He grabs a platter, setting the large ham on it, as well as some pineapple slices.

I grab the bowl of fruits and the platter of veggies, both prepared already, setting those on the table.

As if on queue, the doorbell rings. I straighten out my dress, walking to the door, inviting the guests in.

Kayla walks in, along with another girl. Kol fallowing close behind the two.

"You have a lovely home." The girl, whom I don't know, says sweetly.

"Thank you." I smile back. "I'm Elysia, it's nice to meet you." I say, extending my hand towards her.

"Sarah," she takes my hand. "It's nice to meet you, as well."

I show them to the dining room, Kai standing there awkwardly.

"Kayla, Sarah. Lovely to see you two again." She nods towards them, then his eyes land on Kol. "Kol."

Kol smirks and nods slightly. "Malachai."

I roll my eyes at the two men. "Let's eat!"

We all take our seats, me sitting between Kol and Kayla, Sarah and Kai opposite from us.

We grab some food, beguiling to eat.

"So, Sarah, how long have you known Kai?" I ask, shoving a piece of ham in my mouth.

She thinks for a moment before replying, "about 3 months, maybe?"

Kai nods in agreement. "Sounds about right. It was a couple days after I got back."

I hum in response, turning to look at Kol, who is smiling while stuffing his face. God he eats as much as Kai.

"How long have you and Kol known each other" Kayla asks, smiling widely. That girl is so sweet.


"About 20 years." Kol interrupts.

I nod in response.

Both girls mouths fall open. "So when you were both like 3?" Kayla asks, clarifying if she heard correctly.

We both laugh, "I guess you could say that."

No I was 23 and Kol was thousands of years old, but Kayla didn't know about the supernatural, so she can believe what she would like.

"That's so cool! I wish I still knew some of my old friends, but you're lucky, you have two." She states, making Kai and I laugh awkwardly.


It was now after dinner, and we were all sitting in the living room.

Sarah and I both had wine, the two boys had some drink, and Kayla had some water. Apparently she doesn't drink.

Sarah seems like a great friend, just like Kayla. Kai has grown more fond of Kol, which is a big step.

"So, what should we do now?" Kai asks taking a seat.

"We can do karaoke, the machine is in my closet." I suggest.

"Omg, yes!" Kayla says, clapping her hands in excitement.

"Sounds fun." Sarah agrees.

"Sure," Kai and Kol say in unison.

I take a sip of my wine, setting it on the coffee table, standing up. "Could I have some help? The machine is heavy."

Kai stands up nodding, offering to help. I send him a smile, making my way up the stairs, him fallowing.

"So what do you think of Sarah?" He asks, taking a seat on my bed, whilst i grab the karaoke machine.

"She seems sweet." I respond. "Could I have some help?"

He stands up, grabbing the box from me. "She is. I'm glad you guys are getting along."

"Me too."

We make our way back downstairs. I hook up the machine to the tv, thankfully it begins to work.

"Alright, who's first?" I ask, taking a seat.

"I will!" Kayla volunteers. She grabs the mic, standing up. She chooses the song Royals by Lorde.

"Jet, planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash, we don't careee....." She starts singing.

Everyone begins laughing at her, her singing terribly funny.

Once she finishes, I begin clapping loudly, laughing my ass off. Kol and Sarah join in. Kai would too, but he's to busy choking on his drink, laughing to much.

"T-that was awesome." I laugh out.

"Was it really that bad?" Kayla asks, her cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

"That was the best t-thing I've ever heard." Kol says, stuttering a little bit, due to him still laughing.

The laughter dies down, us finally gaining control.

I wish this moment could last forever.

Boring, I know, but I was in a rush.

I hope y'all have a good day!

Arrangement || Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now