Chapter 25: A Mystery...Solved?

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He wasn't able to stay with her for the rest of the afternoon. After spending just a few minutes with her, he begged her forgiveness before leaving his bedchamber. And he made a request of her too.

"Promise me you won't leave my rooms today." His voice was oddly firm. Serious. The same intensity in it which she'd recognized when he'd first caught her sneaking back into his chamber.

She heard a hint of steel in it, but she also detected his obvious concern for her.

She nodded. "I promise. It's just...I miss the sunshine on my face, Jijin."

His countenance clouded over. "I'm sorry. I should have...taken better care of you over the last few days." His eyes searched hers intently. "I just...had so much going on. I promise I'll take you outside every day from now on. Just...please don't go alone. I don't want you...hurt."

She furrowed her brow as she gazed, uncomprehending, up at him. "Why would I be hurt?" she queried, confused.

"I can't explain now. I must return responsibilities. Stay here. I'll return to you as soon as possible."

"All right," she mumbled, feeling completely out of her depth. But not really sure why.

Who was Jijin? And why did he have to leave now? And why had he been so upset when she'd first returned to him earlier?

He bent to brush his lips across hers before turning and striding confidently and...almost regally...out the door. And shutting it firmly behind him.

She missed him already. She let out a discontented sigh. She longed to lie in his arms again. And to kiss his soft lips.

She wandered towards his bedchamber. And lay down across his bed. On the side on which he slept. She buried her face in his pillow and inhaled his scent. He always smelled amazing. Like crisp apples and sunshine.

She closed her eyes as she began to relive all the best moments of the last twenty-four hours.

His pet name for her.


His soft kisses.

And his softer words.

"Don't you know that you're the purest thing I've ever encountered? Pure kindness. Pure sweetness. Pure joy...Pure beauty."

"You are beautiful. And precious. And the first person who has ever made me feel like I could find peace in this life."

His declarations of love.

"I love you...I love you, Sookie."

He'd given her those precious words. Again. And again.

Along with his exquisite kisses.

And the comfort of his strong arms.

But...eventually her thoughts turned towards the inevitable.

Something Jijin had said a few days ago kept revolving around her mind. His words kept coming back to her. He'd spoken of his mother.

"She's been drinking poison for years."

No one would poison herself on purpose. Someone had had it out for his mother. But the question was...who...and why?

The answer seemed obvious. Because she held a position of power. And someone else wanted to steal it. Without being detected. And was willing to bide their time.

But what position of power could a woman wield?

Eun Sook considered this. Then her own story, based on true events, bubbled up. A boy king banished by his mother's desire to protect him from those who sought his life. So she took his throne for herself.

The Voice: A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #1Where stories live. Discover now