A Friend or Three

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Your P.O.V:

I walked back to Washington D.C, carrying my duffel bag. I knew the Triskelion wouldn't be a safe place for me and staying with Sharon would endanger her. So I texted Nat, asking her if I could stay wherever she was. She responded saying yes, and emailing me the location. I then trashed my phone in the garbage. Just in case.


I was only three blocks away from the house Nat and Steve were staying at. I knocked on the door. It opened up.

"Hey Y/n." Nat said.

"Hiya Nat." I said, trying not to sound tired. Someone shouted something from inside the house.

"Don't worry Steve. It's Y/n." She shouted back. "Come on in." I walked in and closed the door on my way in. I put down my duffel bag.

"Hey Nat, who came in?" Someone shouted from the kitchen.

"A friend we can trust." She responded, walking into the kitchen. "Sam, meet Y/n."

"Nice to meet you, Y/n." Sam held out his hand. I shook it.

"Nice to meet you too." I responded. "So, where's Steve?" I asked.

"In the bathroom." Nat responded. "Also, Y/n. I should tell you something."

"What is it?" I asked. Nat let her head down.

"I may have told Steve about who you really are." She explained. "He probably needed to know."

"No worries Nat," I said, "I was planning on telling him soon enough."


I sat on the couch, underneath the blanket. Nat wanted to surprise Steve and both Sam and I agreed to help out.

"So what did you want to show me?" I heard Steve ask Nat.

"Ok, now you open your eyes." Nat told Steve.

"I don't see what I'm supposed to look at." He replied. I rose up from the couch, the blanket over me.

"Boo." I said. "It is I, the ghost of Y/n!" I said, in a ghostly voice.

"Y/n, I know it's you." Steve said. He took off the blanket.

"How'd you know?" I asked, smiling.

"It was obvious." He responded, hugging me.

"Um, Steve, you're squishing me." I said.


"So what's the plan I missed out on?" I asked Steve.

"We're gonna kidnap Jasper Sitwell." He responded. "Sam 's gonna get his attention. After that, well, you'll see." Steve smiled.

"Hey Y/n! What happened to your phone you bought from Verizon?" Nat asked.

"I threw it away." I responded. "What about it?"

"Well two things, one, your old phone from two years ago is ringing and secondly, your phone you threw away is calling your current phone." She explained. (Quick A/n: Such a mouthful.)

"What?" I asked. She handed me my phone. I answered the call. "Hello?" I nervously asked.

"Ey, u menya yest' dlya tebya sovet, ya imeyu v vidu- (Hey, I have a tip for you, I mean-)" The voice sighed. "Let me try again." They responded in English. The voice sounded familiar but muffled. "Um, hey, I have a tip for you." They said.

"Are you sure you have the right phone number?" I asked.

"Yes, I am very sure." They responded. "You're looking for Jasper Sitwell, right?"

"Um, yes, how did you know?" I asked.

"Let's just say I've got druz'ya (friends) who know things." They responded.

"Uh huh," I said, "so what do you have to say?"

"You're gonna find Sitwell outside with Senator Stern later today. I believe you know where that is." They said and hung up.

"Who was on the phone?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, but I know where to find Sitwell." I responded.

A/n: Who is this mysterious person with the tip? Comment below. (it might be obivous)

The Commando and Winter Soldier (Bucky x fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now