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The car behind us pushed us in the direction of the Winter Soldier. He jumped back onto the car's roof, smashing the windshield and taking out the driving wheel. Sam cursed. The Soldier jumped off our car and onto the other one. Our car was being pulled off the road. Steve grabbed Nat, Sam, and I.

"Hang on!" He said. He grabbed us tightly and broke through the car door. We slide through the streets.

"Go, go, go, go!" I exclaimed. We split up. I went with Nat. The Soldier began to shoot at us but Nat was able to shoot him in his eye glasses.

"Run!" She yelled. The two of us ran off. She stopped behind a car.

"What are you doing? We're getting chased by a mad man!!!" I exclaimed. She placed something under the car and dragged me to another car. We hid behind it.

"I make an LZ, twenty-three hundred block of Virginia Avenue. Rendezvous two minutes. Taking fire above and below expressway. Civilians threatened. Repeat, civilians threatened." She said, into what looked like something that could repeat whatever she said. I peeked up from our hiding spots and saw the Soldier roll something underneath the car we were just at. And, BOOM! It blew up.

"Jump on him! Quick!" Nat said, handing me a thin line of rope. "Choke him long enough for me to clear out all the civilians." I did as she said. It was tricky, hard to get on his back. I was able to keep him at bay for a while before he threw me off. I landed hard on my back and was unable to breathe.

"Ostavaysya na meste. (Stay put.)" He said. He took out his gun and shot Nat in the shoulder. He made his way to Nat, about to shoot her. I jumped up to my feet. Steve jumped on front of Nat. I came up from behind the soldier. I kicked him in his back. Using a knife, he began to fight Steve with it.

"Steve! Watch out!" I exclaimed. I tried to help but the soldier pushed me back.

"Derzhis' podal'she (Stay away.)" He said, throwing a cuff at my arm. It clicked around my arm and pulled me towards a car. I tried to move but it wouldn't budge. The Soldier went back to fight Steve. They threw punches and Steve's shield. Eventually, he flipped the soldier over, taking off his mask. I was shocked.

The Soldier stood up and faced us.

"It can't be." I muttered.

"Bucky?" Steve asked. Bucky looked at him, and then me.

"Who the heck is Bucky?" he asked. My heart broke. He doesn't remember us. He was about to shoot Steve, but Sam came up from behind and took Bucky out. Steve came over and ripped the cuff off my arm.

"Are you okay?" He asked, out of breath. I shook my head.

"He doesn't remember us." I said, tears rolling down my cheek. "He doesn't remember us." The sirens and S.T.R.I.K.E team came.

"Drop the shield, Cap! On your knees! Get on your knees! Now! Get down! Get down!" Rumlow yelled at him. We all put our hands up. " Get on your knees! Down!" he yelled again. He kicked Steve in the legs, making him fall on his knees.

"Jerk." I whispered.

"Don't move." Rumlow commanded. He looked up at the helicopter flying above us. "Put the gun down. Not here. Not here!" He told Rollins. Rollins lowered his gun. The HYDRA agents then took us into the van, meaning Steve, Sam, Nat, and I would probably be dead soon.

The Commando and Winter Soldier (Bucky x fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now