Part 1

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 "I do not know how you convinced me to do this-'' A very irritated Dr. Strange grumbled as he walked with the tall and broad shouldered Thor. 

"you did agree to it though" the god said causing Stephen to sigh, and nod. 

"I did." he mutters "but he better not make me regret this" The doctor added. 

"He will be under my responsibility, not yours'' Thor insists. Dr. Strange was smart enough to know that wasn't true, he was the one doing this, for Thor couldn't on his own. Stephen knew the blame would be placed solely on him if something went wrong. "besides, I'm sure he'll turn around at least a little bit, we are saving his life after all" Thor added as he brought the other to the cryo-pod that held Loki. It was in one of Tony's facilities, Loki having been moved there by Thor himself. Stephen didn't really agree with that statement. He was very much aware that Loki was as stubborn as they come, and he doubted this would be enough to convince him to be on anyone's side but his own. 

"You do realize that your brother will most likely be locked up right?" Dr. Strange asked as he gazed at Loki's unliving corpse. Thor nodded 

"Yes I know.. but he deserves a chance at a second chance" he replied, his deep voice going serious. The two stood next to each other in silence for a moment. 

"Are you ready?" Dr. Strange asks, finally breaking the silence. Thor nodded and without a word pushed the button to open the cryo-pod. Dr. Strange used the time stone, green energy appearing around his wrists and Loki himself. Abruptly Loki's eyes opened as he gasped for air falling forward. Thor kept him from falling by holding him by the shoulders. 

"Loki?" He questions not yet believing he was actually alive. 

"What in the name of Asgard happened?!" Loki questioned as spitefully as always. Thor hugged him tightly causing the younger of the two to wince and stiffen. 

"it's a long story.." Thor muttered "but it's going to be okay now" he added. 

"that doesn't answer my question." Loki snapped pushing himself away from Thor's grasp. Thor sighs 

"I will explain everything, but you need rest first." he says going stern. Loki sighs, finally noticing that Dr. Strange was here. What was he doing here? 

"thank you, wizard." Thor says looking at him, with a very relieved smile. 

"it's sorcerer, and don't mention it." Dr. Strange said with a nod, barely giving Loki a glance before walking away. He knew the avengers would most likely be mad at him for this, but something told him it would be worth it. Thor would be on his side if something were to happen that was for sure, but that didn't erase Stephen's concern. Especially since neither he or Thor had talked to the others before reviving Loki.

"what was he doing here? what the hell happened to you? what in the name of Asgard are you wearing?" Loki questions as they walk down the hallway. His mind was cloudy like he could remember but also not, he hated it. 

"it's.. a long story." Thor says with his head down slightly. 

"well for once I would like to actually hear this so called long story." Loki said not liking the situation at all. He had a terrible headache, he was exhausted, his brother looked.. weird, and he didn't know where he was. Everything felt.. wrong. 

"and you'll hear it- once we get out of here.. without getting caught" Thor says looking around the corner of the hallway. 

"caught? what do you mean caught? what did you do-?" 

"shhhhhh" Thor cut him off "let's just say, you're technically not supposed to leave here.." he whispers "but don't worry about it, I have it all under control" Loki glares. 

"We're gonna get caught."

"I told you so-" Loki mutters. he was currently tied to a chair Thor was standing next to him and there was a very irritated group of people all around them. 

"You, Are not helping" Thor says back. 

"Well I for one, would like an explanation of why you two were in my basement, and how he is alive" Tony says gesturing to Loki. 

"what's that supposed to mean?-" Loki scoffed. 

"So he doesn't know?" Bruce asks. Thor's face darkens and he shakes his head. 

"okay- I'm getting really tired of this, no one telling me anything. could someone explain what this the question of me being alive is about, it is not like I faked my death.. again." 

"could we not get into that-'' Thor says to stop Loki from talking. 

"I don't know a lot about this Loki, is it really necessary to have him tied up instead of just talking to him?" Carol asks, raising an eyebrow. 

"Yes" Tony, Sam, Bucky and Bruce all say in unison. 

"Mmm.. probably" Thor muttered. Loki smirked at that. To have a group of superpowered heroes all agree that he should be tied up was slightly amusing to him. 

"okay-" Carol says with a roll of her eyes, not fully getting why this guy was keeping everyone on their toes. Tony sighs 

"I'm getting tired of this, how is he- here?" he says, the stress getting to him. 

"The same reason you are Stark'' Dr. Strange interjected as he walked into the room. His cape defying gravity making his entrance as extra as possible. 

"and what's that supposed to mean?" Tony says exasperated. 

"He is not the only one who would like an explanation, I am still here you know" Loki sassed with a tilt of his head. Dr. Strange ignored Loki's comment 

"I used the time stone to bring Loki back. Just like I did for you" Dr. Strange says. Everyone went quiet. Well everyone but Loki. 

"bring me back? Bring me back from what?" He snapped. Stephen turns and looks at Loki, with something in his eyes that Loki couldn't understand. Was it sympathy? or pity? 

"You died Loki, and your brother here convinced me to bring you back" he said as if it wasn't anything at all. Loki's eyes went wide, and all at once the memories came to the front of his mind. Thanos attacking their ship, the two of them trying to stop him, Him trying to trick Thanos, And ultimately his death. 

"Loki!" was the last thing he heard before all went black. 

A Second Chance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now